General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do 3ks never listen

Why do 3ks never listen in General Discussion
I'm prob high

    How do you make your team realize not to fight when you're split pushing and they decide to fight 4 versus 5 when you're spamming get back! and don't fight? nothing seems to work.

    casual gamer

      why do 4ks never listen

      why do 5ks never listen


        5ks listen i love 5k games actually

        the realm's delight

          tf are u smoking


            5k's dont listen to me I don't like playing with 5k's :[


              nvm I actually never talk in game and all chat is always muted LUL haHAA


                i swear i win all my 5k games cause people let me core and they listen to me cause im highest mmr


                  guess its cause u guys dont use voicechat

                  the realm's delight
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                      yeah i woudlnt play ranked if i was muted, but yeah valve doesnt tell you ur muted so i played 1 game and tilted so hard i got LP nice sickkkk


                        Sarcasm : Why do I q solo MMR and four random people don't listen to me? srsly, are they insane? I know that my decisions and game understanding skills are way better. That is exactly why we ended up being at the same team and we have same mmr bracket. Best player - 'GG walking down mid boys. Four retards in the team.' But I'm strong. I don't give up on dota 2 and press 'find match' button again and again hoping that some random strangers will listen to what I say when I'm not even that good. I don't want to play solo games like starcraft or heartstone. I want to play coop games where I get match with strangers who are bad. Thanks lord Gabe N. Would q solo again.

                        Short answer : you cant.



                          You're 3k yourself why would they listen to you.


                            3k dont listen because thats the nobrain bracket
                            5k listen because every1 is actually trying way too hard to win (expecially to higher rated players)
                            one of the most cancerous things in dota is the attitude of 5ks towards 4ks but thats actually funny so yeah


                              3K MMR players. I love us. We all think we're right. SMH... I feel having a mic sort of helps rally your team together. Though the average fed Slark player makes your teams chances of throwing that much higher.

                              Axe tells us to watch his smurf replays of getting a blink dagger and then instead of farming heroes he goes back to the jungle to farm some more creeps while utilizing his new blink dagger ability.


                                one of the most cancerous things in dota is the attitude of 5ks towards 4ks but thats actually funny so yeah

                                when they go jungle every game, nobody wants to sup or even WIN THE GAME, and random when they don't get the lane they wanted, just a bunch of fucking toxic bads, ye fuck 4k's. I pray every time I queue to get a higher avg game than 5.5k where everyones ~ the same mmr.

                                Not Saske

                                  they are 3k for a reason

                                  monk, tibetan

                                    3k shitters I love those damned madmen. I am one myself. Fun times.

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                                    BSJ. LGD

                                      Tfw i perma mute voice chat

                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                        My 2K friends won't listen to me,but 2K random people listen to me...hmm

                                        Not Saske

                                          4,6k won't listen to my team when i tell him do not go jungle, but he still go jungle, i mad wehh wehhhh

                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                            Jungle is life
                                            Dota isn't Dota anymore if Dota don't have jungle
                                            So jungle is Dota

                                            and why should I listen to 1Ks xD

                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                              why would 3ks listen to other 3ks?


                                                They're 3k for a reason
                                                Also why would a 3k listen to another 3k


                                                  idk about u guys i get carried by 3kers every game since i got to 3100

                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                    ^^are you been warned by mods?
                                                    Is that the reason you changed your PP?

                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                      why would 3ks listen to other 3ks? xD

                                                      also we dont care


                                                        "Changed PP"
                                                        IT GOT CENSORED
                                                        AND IM NOT CHANGING IT
                                                        ITS TOO FUCKING DANK AHAHAH

                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                          I told mods to ban your PP in about 2months ago in some random post.
                                                          Hmmm...I can see so far is it consider next level map awareness?


                                                            Everyone complains. honestly I loved the 2k bracket and now the 3k bracket. I'm a support player so perhaps that has something to do with it, but I can't stop winning. I just don't play enough is the problem. XD


                                                              lots of people complain abut teammates not listening to them
                                                              complete strangers who perceive themselves as similar skill to you arent going to listen to you outright
                                                              you have to explain the thought process behind what made you come to a cerain conclusion.
                                                              but thats thats what works for me, i play in a bracket where people are more receptive towards working as a team so YMMV


                                                                Is this the reason why raising mmr is hard in 3k brCket ?


                                                                  It really isnt hard to climb any bracket if youre better than the people there

                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                    Why my 4.5K teammate don't listen to me?
                                                                    Why am I always the one with better map awareness?

                                                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                      Tfw i perma mute voice chat

                                                                      See, I cannot get myself to do that. I love meeting new players since that is how you can make friends and compare stats with them.

                                                                      How do you judge someone without hearing their voice or seeing them type?

                                                                      I suppose by their gameplay loool

                                                                      But seeing people chat or voice com is relaxing to me.

                                                                      Especially when people are arguing. That shit never gets old!

                                                                      Something about 2 guys making total asses of themselves is entertaining beyong belief.

                                                                      I also think it is an indirect distraction from the fact that we are all alone in the world :thinking: :happy:

                                                                      Vem Comigo

                                                                        because they think they are better than X, why when people listen to me at 2k we have a easy win and a stomp, but when people dont listen to me proced to flame me and mute me, we almost always lose (only when i play sup or something), to me is a recurring theme to lie about being a booster, it works when you can outplay anyone at 2k. But the thing is ranked is to much stress for me and i need to play like 70-100 matches to climb +1k mmr;

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                                                                          At midnight most 1k listen to me at afternoon i feel like most dont listen. Dunno why


                                                                            Kids who doesnt skip school dont play at the afternoon


                                                                              You want me to command?