General Discussion

General DiscussionAt what mmr Dota starts to become a proper team game?

At what mmr Dota starts to become a proper team game? in General Discussion

    That means you can no longer solo carry a game by simply out farming enemy carry or being be better than average players in that mmr range.


      I'd say some of the high 4k games

      The Medic Guy



          high 5k average games for me, played some matches at that bracket, 1 mistake can cost you the game


            Above 5k I say


              Australia server 2.5k mmr no kappa

              basement :)

                @Pippo^ Kappa or kys.


                  Even in super high mmr one guy can solo carry a game


                    sure as hell isnt below 5k

                    BSJ. LGD

                      the moment split pushing+solo pick offs doesnt work is the moment u need a team to win the game LUL


                        high 5k or 6k

                        as soon as you pretty much get away from the 4ks in every match then dota becomes a team game

                        or at least have 1-2 non 4k players in your team other than yourself

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                          Even in 20 k you'll get some shits arguing over who gets to go mid lane. It's a proper team game when you party with four other players.


                            I'm sure the higher you get in mmr the less Dota resembles a team game, so far in my climb from 5.3k to 6.3k I've been getting the same opponents but shitter allies to hold me back. If you want a proper team game play as a 5 stack.

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                              Turtle man that is a very interesting notion and I shall explore that further


                                It starts now

                                fear is the mind killer

                                  i played some 5k average games and it was just a feedfest everytime, like nobody cared in both teams, like 30 kills en 10 min. It was fun tho


                                    Every game below 7.2k average is a shitshow clownfest.

                                    casual gamer

                                      as high as you can get as game avg

                                      aka 5.5k avg with all 5.5ks = good

                                      5.4k avg with 1 7k and 4 5k = awful


                                        Soeassy, is there a specific reason why you went radiance on ember recently or are you just experimenting/messing around?

                                        Story Time

                                          making my way from 2k to 4k revealed me the main (and only) reason why i want higher mmr – the better team mates. The higher the better, but 3k mentality is the worst

                                          fear is the mind killer

                                            Russian, its very good with the new patch and its one good way not to get bashed

                                            dumpster tears

                                              Everything below 9k is absolute fucking dumpster.

                                              Super Speed Snail

                                                2,8 k. In asia server.

                                                True story.




                                                  Malcolm Reynolds

                                                    i've had some seriously great games from 3.6-4.2 the last weeks. Almost every game has had team players, and i've had some easy wins accordingly. It's my belief, that all those who whine about their team (lack of teamwork etc.) are not actively trying to improve or communicate. There's obviously going to be some horrible players once in a while, but honestly, the 4k bracket is not as bad as people say :)

                                                    Pale Mannie

                                                      competetive dota


                                                        At every +25 MMR it gets relatively better. There is no fixed point that makes the games being better. The Higher You go , the better it becomes relatively...

                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                          Where your 'actual' skill mmr you currently at.


                                                            Its a proper team game when you qeue as 5 (ranked). Then and only then will you play against other 5 stacks 100% of the time. One of the most frustrating things is qeuing as 3 or 4, and getting a couple of absolute gorillas on your team who insist on playing techies.