General Discussion

General DiscussionArmlet + Backpack + Illusions?

Armlet + Backpack + Illusions? in General Discussion
Freya 69

    I checked them and they are getting the armor, attack speed, and the 500 hp. Did I miss something or is this supposed to happen with illusions now?

    Edit: Idk what to think. I drop anything and hit illusions and it disappears. Pick the item back up and hit illusions and the effect is back...

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      dont think thats supposed to happen

      Freya 69

        If nothing else, it is impressive.

        Erdal Kömürcü

          i dont understand what you are trying to ask there he just use armlet and first skill then sent armlet to backpack what is the point here ?


            uhh it always worked that way ,, illusions gets the buff , people switched to strength threads just for illusions too .


              whats your question? illusions getting the armlet buff? that was there from before dude , nothing new

              Riguma Borusu

                ^illusions don't have armlet in their inventories, but they have the buff, that's the thing

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                  i think it's rather a visual bug more than anything else

                  put armlet to inventory, use illusions, put it into backpack
                  the principle seems the same like turning it on before using phantasm on ck for example

                  Freya 69

                    Really sorry about quality; PC is a 2012 Walmart junker :P

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                    casual gamer

                      big buff to tb i believe

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                      Riguma Borusu

                        But is it really an intended buff? Honestly it looks like an abuse. Granted, a lot of legacy things were abuse of wc3 mechanics, but still, valve has a lot of control over dota so it seems weird.

                        casual gamer

                          yeah its abuse


                            just go ultra ultra late on naga, farm 4 hearts, and backpack/stash them as you spawn your illusions, ezzz

                            Freya 69

                              For the briefest moment I was like 'stack 3 active armlets in backpack' but then reality came back. Still, you can put like Refresher, Cheese and a 500, 9 armor active buff in your backpack now, right? Not bad late game abuse at all. Until its fixed. Unless it was intended to balance the constant nerfs to illusions.

                              casual gamer

                                its definitely unintended, items should not grant any kind of bonus while in backpack


                                  i dont think its a bug or anything. pretty sure you could always do this just were not able to do so on-the-go and needed to use the stash for it.

                                  there is no armlet buff on the naga itself, hello, only on hte illusions! it's active in backpack but it doesnt provide any bonus to the real naga.

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                                  casual gamer

                                    no the item GRANTS BONUSES WITHOUT EVER LEAVING UR BACKPACK HELLO

                                    casual gamer


                                        ok i didnt actually try that myself but from what i see on the screenshot only the illusions have an armlet buff, whereas naga has none even though armlet is active in the backpack.


                                          i could be done befor 7.00.. the new here is the backpack, but with six sec delay maybe is usefull to push, not to fight IMO

                                          casual gamer

                                            who cares about the main its a 2k gold reaver that doesnt take a slot for ur illusions

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              good fucking god now that's actually broken


                                                one moment, it remains active in backpack? totally abuse


                                                  well yeah that seems like a bug thats set to be fixed next patch if it grants bonus to illusions even though it's in your backpack.

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    can you do this with radiance?

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      doesnt work with rad, drums, basi, or AC

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        ah gg 0/7 abuse :'(


                                                          do they get the attack speed of the armlet too now that illus benefit from AS

                                                          Riguma Borusu


                                                            Freya 69

                                                              Don't forget the 9(?) armor.

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                probably not. illusions do not benefit from green armor in almost all instances IIRC


                                                                  this should still be a pretty legit strategy though, keeping armlet on naga/tb in inventory as you spawn illusions and later swapping it back to backpack on your main hero.

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                                                                  Freya 69

                                                                    Idk about backpack Armlet, but my illusions were taking an average 10 less damage from a single large Alpha wolf attack at level 1 with Armlet activated. Only thing that changed in that instance was total hp, attack speed and armor. 140 pre Armlet active, 130 average after Armlet active. Level 1 Mirror Image and the Wolf was doing 40 p dmg without crit. Maybe I'm wrong on this one, though.

                                                                    Edit: Even if it does, however, that's like 2% p dmg reduction fully 6 slotted, so yeah. Doesn't really matter late game where its a valid pick up, anyway.

                                                                    Fun fact: In the 2nd picture that has 5320 hp per illusion, there are 4 illusions that take 300% damage each. If you do the math, it comes to roughly 7093 combined hp between illusions, with 65% physical damage reduction and 25% evasion each.

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                                                                    Erdal Kömürcü

                                                                      man you cant understand it ? its like ck use armlet ulti then toggle armlet off its same as this

                                                                      Freya 69

                                                                        ^ Um? I think you might want to read the rest of the post...

                                                                        So anyway:

                                                                        Tested it in a scrub match, had 4.7k illusion hp with 25% evasion and 60% p dmg reduction by the end. Only had 5 illusions, as it ended before I hit 25, but they couldn't do much about it, either way. Good stuff.