General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's the viability of Travel+Dominator build on PL replicating old ...

What's the viability of Travel+Dominator build on PL replicating old Travel-Drums build? in General Discussion

    The q is obvious. Is it legit?

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Both are like the most cost efficient items to get
      You don't need that movespeed really
      +8 HP regen with constant attack speed totally better for PL


      Riguma Borusu

        Bots cost efficient? is that a fucking joke?

        Also don't forget BoTs and dominator don't have a synergy, you dominate a creep to follow you around, just to TP to a completely different part of the map?


          is agha legit on PL as Farming item
          baumi tried it in match and he likes it


            Rtz also does that
            Seems okay, but it's too early to tell

            casual gamer

              aghs pl so good honestly

              casual gamer

                played a game of this awful hero just to know if his aghs is good. its awesome


                  Is it enough to bring him back as a situational pick, or even back to the meta?

                  casual gamer

                    i do not think so

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      I meant drums and hotd... sigh...


                        Pl is like am? Hotd is yasha on pl. bf is agh on pl? Diff is manta on pl


                          Their skillset seems way too different to compare

                          BSJ. LGD

                            hes slow and shit in the mid game, good early and late,
                            shit mid game due to low damage

                            The Medic Guy

                              imo, pl just bag of gold with his illusion, just like DS' ultimate, after you finish the war, and you win against DS, farm the wall boys.
                              That is the way i think about illusion heroes.

                              The Medic Guy

                                and i think HotD is good for tanki support like ogre or omni, get the satyr and all is good.

                                casual gamer

                                  ds illus give 5 gold man he was just memeing

                                  BSJ. LGD

                                    btw pl's first skill illusions gives the default gold for normal illusions which i think is kinda rigged.