General Discussion

General DiscussionIs 5k solo mmr worth the same as 5k party mmr ?

Is 5k solo mmr worth the same as 5k party mmr ? in General Discussion
fear is the mind killer

    Or any given mmr?


      party mmr < solo mmr

      casual gamer

        party mmr is worth nothing


          u can get high party mmr by stackng with special sort of players, without being any good urself

          on the other hand, sometimes party mmr has the same weight (for instance, see how sam fuckin peckinpah plays party - hes roughhly always duostacking and getting into high mmr solo q games)


            from my exp, if u gain ur party mmr by stacking with legit players (no smurfs, no underated players)
            4k solo = 4k pt
            5k solo = 4.7pt
            5.5 solo = 5k pt
            6k solo = 5.4pt
            7k solo = 6k pt

            Este comentário foi editado

              also no stacking with 3k/4ks then last pick meepo nonsense


                I find 6k party mmr more impressive than 6k solo

                that said, I don't think its that difficult to grind 5k party as it is solo

                think the higher the party mmr, the more impressive it becomes


                  party worth nothing

                  casual gamer

                    high party mmr = duo stack and pick cancer duo offlanes, pick meepo + 1 synergistic hero type bullshit

                    fear is the mind killer

                      thanks for all the answers

                      kenny: uWU

                        Party is cool


                          6k party was ez af

                          BSJ. LGD

                            whyd i get 4.1k then, RIGGED

                            SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                              Really no ones mentioned people with 10k pt* mmr? :v

                              Este comentário foi editado

                                I calibrated my party at like 3.9 lul

                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                  My part mmr up so easy because my rl friend they all around 3.0K we get bad teammate noob enemies,just pick 1v5 hero to shit storm them=Win


                                    the difference between my solo and party is 800

                                    i give 0 fucks about my party


                                      it depends on who you party with ofc.
                                      but most high mmr players have much lower party mmrs.

                                      getting 5k party is pretty hard if everyone you play with has solo=party since the enemy stack will usually have someone with 6/7k solo and low party.

                                      or you could play with some friends with 3k party and rofl stomp with a 1v5 hero all day and then its probably easy.


                                        I can just stack with someones whos 2k mmr below me and get 6k party and it's not really hard I would just have to play against 4k's and some 5k's which is pretty fucking ez tbh and 6k solo is harder, but getting anything above 7k party in 5 stacks would be pretty fucking dope, cuz if u win u get +5 and if u lose u get -45, but if u dual stack in really high mmr party games it's ez, cuz u mostly get into solo q games or u don't lose as much.

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          party mmr is too abusable, you can have literally 1 or 10000 party MMR and it doesn't matter


                                            "but if u dual stack in really high mmr party games it's ez, cuz u mostly get into solo q games or u don't lose as much."

                                            ok you try dual queuing with a 5.5 avg and tell me how ez it is vs 3 5ks and 2 6ks.