General Discussion

General DiscussionAm I missing something or Shadow Fiend is still not a thing?

Am I missing something or Shadow Fiend is still not a thing? in General Discussion

    Honestly I've been good part of my 7.00/7.01 patch in LP, but Finally I'm out and I've played a few games with SF.

    He seems situational but not a first pick material even if you coinsider to be a decent SF.

    He's still easily gankable and counterable.

    What do you think guys?


      He shouldn't be first pick material in the first place, he's not that underwhelming right now tho


        Este comentário foi editado
        one syllable anglo-saxon

          if you coinsider to be a decent SF

          i think that's the main problem there buddy


            slightly better than in the previous patch
            still not very good


              Is that the new meta storm spirit build?


                Yeah I think he's not very good. Monkey rapes him, Slark kinda does aswell but can go both ways, Pudge is just pain in the ass, list goes on.

                @ Alenari

                I'm quite sure I'm capable of playing this hero good enough not to be a deadweight and my winrate says the same aswell.

                So I don't see your point here. I'm a decent Shadow Fiend coinsidering my MMR and my limitations.

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  i had no point i just wanted to trigger u or bait into writing an essay or w/e


                    I will destroy u scrub


                      @ Sieg Heil

                      I'm sure you would


                        This one failed fml thought someone would go 1v1 cuz it says I'm only 2k mmr XD


                          I'm shit at 1v1 anyways

                          got raped several times by 3.5 and below. Not saying I'm much higher, but still

                          Putins Price Hike

                            sf needs to dominate. better to dual offlane with him than mid.


                              It all depends. If you got agh fast, you can kill slark. Like he want to kill u you just ult with agh. Same with pudge. But without agh hes dead af. Or
                     They dont have a good ganker and i snowball from early. Its ns though