General Discussion

General Discussion7.0 Patch destroyed Jungling?

7.0 Patch destroyed Jungling? in General Discussion

    I remember a time where I would have to beg teammates in pubs to let me go Jungle with my BS. I'd be higher level than mid and I'd have Radiance before minute 15. Life was so easy....
    but now for some reasons ( I can guess a few) I end up even with lesser level than dual lanes. and even the Gold isn't as good as it should be ( useless quelling blade and iron talon make farming hard).

    I never saw anyone addressing this dirrectly. so Is it just me or is Jungling days over?




        jungling hurts your lanes more this patch due to prevalence of dual off, and iron talon nerf makes it less efficient as well. im sure as u get past the first few levels its slower compared to last time cos of slower spawn
        but its definitely way way way harder to harass out junglers compared to last time, since they have 2 camps in the offlane jungle and u have double shrines so no way any bh/trees can reliably try to disrupt your jungling

        Riguma Borusu

          jungling is in no way destroyed, it's just completely changed

          also why the fucking fuck would you stay in jungle for 15 minutes, good god

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            hard farming in wood is pretty much dead, but semi wood / roam is greatly buffed

            Riguma Borusu

              ^I don't understand why a sensible human being would jungle past 4-6 minute mark, when you're supposed to abuse your level advantage

              1-IceTea 🌟

                Hello I am Hardcore jungler player, junigle is way more faster now
                15mit radiance is slow,I can easy get 13mit midas treads and Armlet, Fight me andown u lose!


                  I didn't mean I'd go to jungle for 15 whole minutes without actually fighting . I only said I'd have Radiance by min 15.
                  and nom nom nom nom nom I'll just pretend I didn't see your stupid post....

                  has anyone who actually used to go jungling at start have any tips for the new patch?

                  Riguma Borusu

                    I'll just pretend I didn't see you're a normal skill smurf rofl

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      ^I jungle past 6mit every match that I play but it's ok I will just pretend I never see your 3K solo memer.

                      @Milad trick is the same kill 1 camp before 1 mit mark and immediately kill another camp at same stop after 1mit other is pretty much the same

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                      Riguma Borusu

                        ^I jungle past 6mit every match that I play but it's ok I will just pretend I never see your 3K solo memer.

                        I could easily be 4.5k if I actually played solo ranked more, but I wouldn't be able to keep my ranked winrate most likely (it'd probably drop to around 52% or some shit). I calibrated at 1.1k and grinded up to 3.8k ATM but I just prefer to play with friends lately (especially LPQ). So I am not actually on this skill level, unlike somebody who specifically made a smurf just to end up in normal skill again.

                        And yes, you jungle past 6min, but you don't afk jungle and expect your teammates to win the game for you, rather you rotate the lanes to find kills when you can, and then weave in and out of jungle when possible and when your carry doesn't need it. I seriously get triggered by people who are taking the actual carry's farm instead of being useful, and I say this as somebody who has jungled most of the time when I played solo ranked.

                        As for farming the jungle now, you have to realize that junglers traditionally never used the whole jungle (usually it was just 3 med/med/hard camps), and now with 2 min respawn time, if you're efficient enough, you might farm them all (except for ancients, ofc).

                        Some junglers benefit from early boots and TPs due to this, if you aren't rushing midas or something.

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                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          ^ pre- 7.00 have to walk cross mid to get ancient farm now you don't that's where the fast farm come in.
                          I don't believe any 'jungle and expact team to carry' can pass 40% win rate imo
                          Can you help me with 5 LPQ pretty sanpai please?

                          Riguma Borusu

                            I'm taking a break from dota, but you can add me so we can play some LPQ when I'm back (maybe later today, maybe tomorrow, who knows).

                            BTW I presume you're talking about lycan and ursa in which case yes, that's the bonus, but in general, even ordinary junglers who can't do ancients at any 'early' point can just get boots and quickly get to the extra camps on the other side of the map, especially with TPs.

                            And speaking of 7.00 jungling I am really tempted to learn lycan, seems like such a fun hero right now, I never paid him much attention because he was dumpster tear most of the patches I've been playing dota for.

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                            Johnny Rico

                              cause iron talon doesnt scale anymore.


                                ive figured out a way to jungle enigma like 20 seconds faster than the old jungle (lvl 6 4-4:10) and the method works for other heroes as well so its just a matter of time before ppl figure it out.

                                Sugar Show

                                  Jungle was destroyed, It takes me now more time to farm midas than before.