General Discussion

General DiscussionSupport meepo

Support meepo in General Discussion
i have 5 reports to use

    Today some dipshit on my enemy team did this garbage Lul literally a walking net. It might have potential though, what's ur thoughts.


      Mek, vlads, and just stack a shit load of auras i guess? It still sounds rlly bad.

        Midas on meepo? His power spike is at lvl 25


          if he lose then its garbage


            Courier meepo is my favourite. Send 1 to each lane, 1 to base and transfer items with main meepo by poofing


              PieLieDie once randomed Meepo and supported with it XD

              clueless clown

                Its viable to some extent. Good push and some disable. Also can farm faster than other supports altho u shudnt be faeming too much. But tbh i can see roaming blink meepo working out well. As an offlaner or smth


                  Meepo needs exp, meepo cant support


                    idk how to meepo so if i randomed meepo i'll just support aura meepo works well for me

                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      I saw it in a Chinese pro game tho I consider it garbage.

                      Got Benao in a solo que, he randomed Geo, supported with him, - 25.


                        pretty sure notail did this in a pro game once or twice so it must have some merit I suppose

                        maybe the greediest support in the entire game lol

                        >Easy Money.

                          support meepo sucks. u cud take him jungle safe lane, pull ez camp, and save poof till lvl 3 then go jungle, but support is shit = /. but that works w/ iron talon, lvl 3 meepo, lvl 2 poof