General Discussion

General DiscussionCentaur Warrunner

Centaur Warrunner in General Discussion

    What makes centaur somewhat better this patch?


      it's already good hero even before 7.00

      and this talent system basically buff him even more.
      long forgotten hero come back popular again

      Feichang Gaoxing

        Return becomes an aura at lvl 25

        Buffed af

        casual gamer

          shrine alleviates his mana issues

          his talents are good

          hes good at fighting

          ppl theorize his kit and high str gain are better because theres no stat levels, so the discrepancy between his hp and his opponents is much larger. in addition, less agi and hp = less physical EHP = return hurts way more especially since it is now an aura at 25

          Potato Marshal

            Return aura is based on Centaur's strength and not the hero getting hit's strength.


              Offlane shrine ez