General Discussion

General DiscussionLets talk about the new helm of dom

Lets talk about the new helm of dom in General Discussion

    So last game i went hod on witch doctor, with the natrual heal from wd and the 8 regen aura from hod i was keeping my team going strong, however, after dominating creep for unholy aura, that added and extra 6 aura health regen.
    For me this will be a core on most supports, for 1800 gold you can get essentially a 14 health regen aura which is broken tbh.
    then of course after just get the wolf creep for late game, but yeah i think this is kind of a broken item at the moment.


      Maybe if you are a pos 4 you could get it I guess. But I think Mek, Glimmer, and Force Staff are still prioritized over HotD because they offer instant utility.

      HotD is a very good item though, perhaps on a tanky pos 3 like Underlord or Abaddon? You can't get 1800 gold out of nowhere, so doing it on support seem to be suboptimal. Also supports aren't that tanky except Ogre and a few others, if they get killed the aura won't be much help. Better get it on a tanky hero who is guaranteed to be in the thick of fights.


        It may be a great aura, but at least half the value is in the creep so u dont HAVE to be that tanky. Plus the build up is nice and its cheaper than mek and shit so the cost isnt a huge deal.


          The blue ogre is better, you can get the cloak aura vs a really magical damage team. Learn to micro then you are good


            Or alternatively you can just select the creep, press M button, click on your hero. Then just assign some accessible key like 1 or something, and spam skill on heroes.


              it's a really good early game pickup for a lot of heroes.

              it's the new drums.


                this item is fucking broken