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Tips Tips . in General Discussion
He Fears Nothing

    How to do the Spam "S" for Last Hitting .I Saw pro players doing that .

    meteor hammer

      click s click s click s click s click s click s click s click


        Spamming the stop action button is used if you have the auto attack immediately option on. I personally do not know why people would do that.

        Perhaps it is because they would feel restless if they just stand, waiting for the creep to go below health. So they gotta add their APM.

        Another possibility is that doing that may accustom them to how long the health bar is before their right clicks can kill the creeps. Kind of like observing the bar closely for a long period of time repeated over a few dozen instances, allowing them to directly gauge when they can kill the creep for maximum efficiency. Training for later games, because it will add to muscle memory.

        The Medic Guy

          i use quick attack
          so i just spam asasasasasasasasasasasasasaasasasasasasasasasasaasaasasasasaasasasasasaaasasasasasasasasasasas

          clueless clown

            I do that too ^ :D

            Vem Comigo

              you can just cancel the animation clicking other creep or moving.


                Move around when creep are low use s click s click then you get cs. I love doing this because my mom and friends will get mad at me because it make a lot of sound


                  It's much more efficient and accurate than canceling the right click by clicking on the ground or other creeps


                    step 1) press s

                    The Medic Guy

                      step 2) ????

                      Not Saske

                        step 3) profit

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          Coz you're already swinging the pre-attack animation leaving less time needed to land last hit just in case anyone tries to pseudo-deny(I mean instead of denying the creep you hit it to low HP where creeps will "deny" for no gold full EXP)
                          The downside to this is you gotta stand still for a moment.


                            I have auto-attack on because I am too used to it from WC3 dota, I'm sure it isn't as mechanically precise as having it off but I tried playing without it and I couldn't last hit properly. If you do this technique because you are halfway through your animation it makes it harder for people to deny, the downside is you have to stand near the creeps for longer than you would have to otherwise and probably eat some extra harass.

                            Este comentário foi editado

                              Im that bitch in pubs that use the stop action always for last hit, for me, a good carry have to use that, dont let nobody deny you enemy damn creeps.


                                You don't have too mindlessly follow everything that "pro players" do.

                                If you don't already have this stupid habit that harms your keyboard, your hand muscles and your brain, then why the fuck wud you want to fall into it?

                                Just perfect your last hitting without it. You don''t really need it.


                                  The reason I do it is to pressure the opposing midlaner, into thinking I'm going for a deny on his ranged , that needs 2 hits for example, and get them to hit , letting me deny and tilting them, however I think this only works at my shit tier

                                  He Fears Nothing

                                    How to do that ? is it Auto Attack ? or Quick attack ?


                                      What Santana said is true
                                      Look, I have the habit of pressing S sometimes to last hit properly with melee heroes
                                      Just stick to what is the most comfortable for you to last hit properly


                                        @no russian
                                        It also happens in high level games too I think, they have to try to outsmart each other, after all


                                          Auto attack for me
                                          Maybe different for others