General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout the length of the games (7.00 patch)

About the length of the games (7.00 patch) in General Discussion
Pablo Esteban (muted)

    I think the games are longer now, and I heard a caster (Tobiwan) saying that this patch was trying to do the opposite, was that the reason of this patch? and what do you guys think about the length of the games?


      they're shorter and shittier


        Pretty sure its all abt the lycan and visage raxing u by 15 min and the power spike abuse with really good talents.


          They can be
          1. Longer and shitter and the game already decided by min 10
          2. Shorter and shitter and the game already decided by min 10

          meteor hammer

            it's a lot easier to have 50-60 minute ultra turtle games, due to the lack of chip damage to t4s. the introduction of shrines in base, CG buff, and the substantial buffing of many heroes lategame impact (lich tree sniper come to mind)

            1-IceTea 🌟


              The Medic Guy

                yeah turtle gaming is buff-ed now, 5 shrine in base, you can kite enemis, and if they rush in, active the shrine and they will lose the fight.

                like this one

                Malcolm Reynolds

                  I feel like my avg game time has gone down quite a bit this patch. When my team win early game we usually end within 30 minutes - and often between 20-27 minutes. If we however lose the early game, then matches are usually between 40-50 minutes. Rarely have 50+ minute games now.


                    Should be the either 20 min assraped rax or 50 min turtling games


                      Its polarizing. The turtling is very possible, but with the meta ripe with lycan and visage deathball with strong ass early push i dont think this ability to turtle strong has been fully realized. Once lycan recieves the inevitable nerf we shall see


                        I think snowballing and early fighting has been prioritized very heavily this patch, however if you manage to not die earlygame turtling with base shrines and obnoxious new talents is very strong.

                        Need to talk,remove your ...

                          You can start raxing at 15 and end the game at 30-45 because of those fucken shrines man, damn.

                          commends swapper

                            It seems that games are shorter. I feel like it's much harder to comeback now so in general teams that win laning stage and are able proceed into fast push->rosh hg usually win in ~30min. Either that or it goes into typical bullshit gamble turtling that can last for 60+
                            edit: and the shrines feel negligible tbh, as long as you dont stupidly dive their base + I bet that in 50% of times someone clicks the shrine by mistake before the fight happens lul

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