General Discussion

General DiscussionSpirit Breaker's Charge rework (no lock on enemy)

Spirit Breaker's Charge rework (no lock on enemy) in General Discussion

    2 concepts:
    SB's Charge should
    1. act like Sion's Ultimate in LoL -be a cursor followed ability without target, with lowered turn rate(you press R and hero runs towars cursor with lowered turn rate). SB stuns every1 on way casually and stops when player decides or reaches map boarder. No increased bash chance :))))) I would set cooldown to about 20 seconds after charge ends in any way.
    or 2. be point targeted ability - you choose place on map. SB will charge toward this location(bash,bash, standard) and the location can be updated with recast(recast has 1 sec cooldown and costs nothing). Although charge cost is lowered to 50 and each second of charging drains 2 mana. (so upgrading charge early will lower manacost thanks to faster charge) (<2 mana = end of charge) IMPORTANT THING is that SB will not turn instantly after recasting ability to change charged place but will slowly circle and he may even not be able to perform maneuver - he collides map border what ends charge - or it takes much time and exposes SB to enemy attacks.


      R u retarded? The only thing abt sb that needs a change is maybe bash stun duration. Actually nerfing mana cost is probably the best way cuz it prevents sb from CONSTANTLY charging, forcing him back to base.


        Charge is too easy and does not uses potential of CHARGE which should give player ability to charge more freely but also punishes him for bad play. SB would be much more enjoyable to play with such changes and also it would also remove stupid mechanics of:
        1:following teleported players
        2:give vision and easy charge for sneaky juking players


          stol uebanie


            Its happenin. Lol players are coming, i fuckin knew it !


              R u a moron, both things u stated are not problems because u can CANCEL CHARGE. WOW NEW MECHANIC VOLVO!


                And the vision isnt a problem in and of itself, otherwise u wud be charging not knowing where. The best and rlly only way to nerf charge is manacost, or maybe to get rid of the guarenteed stun and just make it apply bash.


                  the fuck is this thread?


                    Basically an autistic lol player tries to tell OSfrog he is retarded


                      can't you see its lame to just click on enemy hero and wait for charge? as well as you could attack from different angle using this mechanics? 2.5 k hours in dota Lex, you can check it. In LoL much less.


                        U dont make changes cuz u find something "lame" thats retarded. Thats ur opinion of fun, and its not even close to unanimously decided as unfun. U make changes if something is broken and charge isnt broken.

                        meteor hammer

                          unnecessary and stupid as fuck

                          why are you trying to make this game like lol. lol is fucking awful and has these ridiculous needlessly convoluted hero "mechanics"

                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            Please stop make any post again, I would rather enjoy diox post then yours