General Discussion

General DiscussionAntimage Scepter BALANCE REWORK

Antimage Scepter BALANCE REWORK in General Discussion

    After purchasing Aghanim, Spell Shiled(E) of Antimage should be able to be activated/disactivated like Medusa can active her Mana Shield - no manacost and no cooldown*. When ability is not set active, there is no special effect. Although when it is active, the next enemy spell(in old rules) on Antimage will be reflected and ability will go on cooldown for 12(or how many u want) seconds. During cooldown time: 1. Bonus passive spell ressistance is lost(only that granted by Spell Shield) and 2. ability is still able to be turned on/off - it grants no effect but enables preparing for imidiate reflection or lack of it, after cooldown goes off.


      More broken imo


        It will be even more broken now that AM can manually reflect doom or those bullshit spell instead of blocking a goddamn astral automatically

        The Medic Guy

          man, the spell shield really broken, you got linken and lotus orb buff in 1 skill with 12sec cooldown. it nerf to 18 or 20 sec.

          even roshan's Spell Block's cooldown is 15sec

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            sb can make am charge towards himself without charging toward him

            Freya 69

              My mind goes to Lotus Orb.. the forgotten relic that it is...


                legion commander :D reverse duel buhahah


                  It's not reverse duel
                  DUAL DUEL
                  DOUBLE THE RISK MAN
                  You'll still get linken against LC for sure, or you'll end up purely 1v1ing LC which you'll lose most of the time and give her 2x more duel damage than usual if you buy agh


                    Masquerading a buff as a "balance rework". Sure. What youre suggesting removes enemy options for counter play. If your Aghs (or linkens) gets procc-d then tough shit. Eat the follow up spell and get wrecked. You want the benefits of both lotus or AND linkens without draw backs of either item. ridiculous


                      so activation should have about 2 sec dealy for activation so you have to pop it long before Lina comes to you. Same for desactivation, if you see bristle about to Goo yoo and Shield is up you have to wait 2 seconds. i think you got it, no more examples xd

                      With the activation delay its ok i think. Delay time and cooldown time should be chosen correctly though


                        is better even than bkb hahaha is ok right now, maybe longer cooldown

                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                          The only thing that breaks it entirely is LC's DUEL. No matter what a duel is a duel and one person gets the normal buff.


                            "the only thing"





                                Are the reflected spells changed by am having an aghs?


                                  Charge, duel, r hard counters. Thing is tho, it is a situational item, but in those situations it is extremely strong.


                                    Speaking of Duel, with activation delay, probles is kinda solved. In case of Spirit Breaker charge, the problem is in that spell.

                                    SB's Charge should
                                    1. act like Sion's Ultimate in LoL - a cursor followed ability without target, with lowered turn rate(you press R and hero runs towars cursor). SB stuns every1 on way casually and stops when player decides or reaches map boarder. No increased bash chance :))))) I would set cooldown to about 20 seconds after charge ends in any way.
                                    or 2. be point targeted ability - you choose place on map. SB will charge toward this location and the location can be updated with recast(recast has 1 sec cooldown and costs nothing). Although charge cost is lowered to 50 and each second of charging drains 2 mana. (so upgrading charge early will lower manacost thanks to faster charge) (<2 mana = end of charge) IMPORTANT THING is that SB will not turn instantly after recasting ability to change charged place but will slowly circle and he may even not be able to perform maneuver - he collides map border what ends charge - or it takes much time and exposes SB to enemy attacks.

                                    I create another topic with this change

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      btw you are confusing lotus orb with aghs secpter

                                      aghs scepter causes antimage to AGHS DUEL legion without legion duelling him, which means it lasts forever and nobody can interfere with damage output, which is in most cases worse for the antimage


                                        u morons realize u can just stop cancel the charge of darkness right?

                                        aghs is essentially a better linkens except for some situations

                                        primarily: duel, burrowstrike, snowball

                                        ineffective vs.: nether swap, reality rift, sunder

                                        situationally bad vs.: lasso, life break


                                          and aghs duel doesn't last forever jesus u morons don't evne read patch notes.

                                          it just lasts longer now and only damage from the duel is applied. you can still disable LC.


                                            I know the aghs duel marlan im a smart boy

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              @Marlan: I have 700 games of legion, it was a figure of speech. Also I should've worded that better (obviously you can stun legion or AM or apply debuffs on them, it's just that others can't be the direct source of damage).

                                              meteor hammer

                                                riki/pa > am aghs lul

                                                its actually the funniest interaction in the entire game


                                                  Riki agh is a joke who the hell even picks riki for his ult damage output anyway

                                                  meteor hammer

                                                    ?? no

                                                    fog self

                                                    blink strike AM

                                                    -> dead position 1 carry x d


                                                      no one because its so hard to get reliable damage out of it, with aghs though you jump in a storm or a pa or someone who can stay on people and get into the middle of the fight and it can do a lot more damage because it's no longer a static aoe. So its actually not bad, especially when you consider that it also can give you an escape.


                                                        i'm certain i tested riki+PA and it acted just like linkens and did not reflect the spell.

                                                        so unless it changed, or you're just making shit up without testing it, im pretty sure PA/Riki don't do anything to AM Aghs.


                                                          u shitters made me boot the game to check u morons.

                                                          stop making up shit without testing it.

                                                          RIKI & PA DO NOTHING TO AGHS AM

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                                                          meteor hammer


                                                            shits broken


                                                              Dude riki's ulti is one of the biggest reasons echo sabre is ever picked up, as well as shit like malestrom. The reason people dont go treads is cuz attack speed doesnt matter in his ulti, and his ulti is the best way to deal dmg cuz he is to squishy to straight walk up to people and right click them. ive always wanted to try satanic riki where u ulti when low after activating and emerging with full hp.

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                ^no, you get echo sabre because it stacks with the smokescreen slow, also it means you don't have to spend diffusal charges every time

                                                                maelstrom/mjollnir now have a small cooldown so it's actually really shit with riki's ult since it can only proc once every second, no matter how many targets there are, and for the gold there are basically always better items unless you're defending against megas or pushing or some shit

                                                                also who the hell buys malestrom on riki, except retards?

                                                                oh wait

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                                                                  There's this weird mechanic in which Echo Sabre slows enemies when attacked by Riki in Tricks of the Trade. Don't know if it still works though.

                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                    ^it does, but it's by far not the reason you buy it on him

                                                                    yes, you get two slows, but a 0.6 sec slow is just not too much when it comes to riki's ult, it'll give you an extra attack at best, and in a lot of cases, nothing at worst, but if you combine it with smoke, it's really strong because you can get 2-3 additional hits since you can place a really good smoke on someone who has 100 move speed

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