General Discussion

General DiscussionZeus 7.00 - NIMBUS topic&poll

Zeus 7.00 - NIMBUS topic&poll in General Discussion

    Just how bad&useless do you think it is? Or maybe not?

    Lay your thoughts here

    I personally find it very bad, it always gets destroyed fast by the enemies,even without them being hit by it (especially by Sniper)


      Since its global,u should always gets it and cast it on every teamfight.The enemy had to choose between hitting ur nimbus or hitting ur ally,and both benefit u.


        It deals respectable dmg, the stats r nice, and zeus can farm it rather fast, personally find it gr8 for cancelling channeling at a long distance. Plus it is an extra thing that distracts people from killing you. Good with refresher in a teamfight. That being said i havent played with it so.... Add a big "theoretically" in front of everything

        Freya 69

          Am I crazy to think an effing cloud should not be, you know, shootable?? I'm sorry, I just, its a concept thing, game or not.



            Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

              Depends on the situation, it's quite good imo


                Insta-sunstrike roflmao

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                Riguma Borusu

                  It's kinda like phoenix egg or tombstone in a way, yes it can he countered by shooting it down, but do you really want to do it, or have the time to? It deals massive damage for 4200 gold it costs, and it can be devastating when well positioned in a teamfight.

                  The thing with tombstone, egg and nimbus is that you have to quickly choose whether you want to destroy it or focus on actual heroes, and having somebody 'waste' attacks on something like that is very useful in a lot of cases. Also, with a good setup, Nimbus deals a ton of damage, if people are never in position to attack it in first place.


                  Situational, get it sometimes I guess. It's really bad against Ursa, but sometimes it's a win if you force ursa to attack it instead of jumping actual heroes.

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                  meteor hammer

                    omg lycan is ratting -> TP to base!

                    get stunned by zeus from 7000 units away and lose the fucking game lmao

                    meteor hammer

                      also nobody can buyback and bots into a fight ever

                      also you can use it like sunstrike, you will prob get 1-2 bolts + ult

                      also it interrupts 4k enigmas that dont buy bkb from anywhere


                        If Zeus has an Octarine, and he casts Nimbus, is Zeus healed or the Nimbus?

                        meteor hammer


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                            So who is healed?


                              Or will there be no heals?

                              meteor hammer



                                  rat zeus

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    Is it possible to have two in case you have OC? At that point, CD is lower than the lifespan of a nimbus, but I guess it just resummons it and removes the old one?

                                    basement :)

                                      It will probably hit once per cast. . . So 4200 gold for a global lightning bolt.


                                        Well Refresher allows you to have two Nimbi (plural of nimbus??????) active. Bulldog or someone did it. Ended up with 144k Hero Damage.

                                        Potato Marshal

                                          Instant global ministun. How is it not good? Tinker literally can't do anything. That's like free 700 damage to an enemy getting dueled whether LC is on your team or the enemy team (not including thundergod's wrath). Enemy gets fucked whenever you have a phoenix or undying on your team. Ruptured units can't tp away, np can't sprout and tp away, practically any enemy unit can't tp away. With the new map, it's even easier to place it on high ground areas where the enemy can't easily hit, or even see the cloud. Enemies can't rat and tp away, they can't even stay out of vision and tp away because you can just ult to see where they are and nimbus to instantly cancel tp. It's excellent for defending high ground too and sometimes even for sieging because it provides unobstructed vision.

                                          Aghs is pretty much core on Zeus now.

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                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            Ended up with 144k Hero Damage.

                                            jesus that's good but it sounds like it was against meepo?

                                            2k indog monkey

                                              It's good
                                              Better than the idiotic dual zap build with refresher that only works in 500 mmr


                                                Nimbus is good with refresher. And aghs still gives the bonus ulti dmg so it is a 100% buff. Thing is it isnt (imo) the best purchase for heavy teamfighting unless they have a lot of channels, but extra vision is nice, and against splitpushers u can really punish them. I think its like am aghs where it can be gr8 but it isnt a buy every game item. Also the ultimate noob am counter is legion cuz all the dumb am's will buy aghs only to reflect duel and end up still dueling u lol.


                                                  No there was not a Meepo. And I'm sorry it was actually 122000 hero damage.

                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                    Aghs + refresher means that Zeus can do 1550 GLOBAL damage to any target instantly. Also aghs no longer increase thundergod's wrath damage, they must have fixed it some time recently, I even checked myself in demo mode.

                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      and end up still dueling u lol.

                                                      It's worse than that, actually, AM will not just duel you, he'll do an AGHS duel on you, meaning nobody else can interfere, in a lot of cases this is beneficial for a similarly farmed legion because you build to counter antimage anyway.


                                                        Where would you insert Aghanim's in Zeus's build?

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                                                          probably after 2 smaller items (blink/euls/force/viel)?

                                                          i dont think you go arcanes ags, but you probably shouldnt delay that long, get it before oct/blood or refresh for sure.


                                                            Mobility Items > Aether Lens?

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              The thing with aghs is that it's actually really powerful if you get it early, especially considering people don't yet have too much attack speed, and your nukes are very relevant. Lategame it has the utility that's already been talked about (global ministuns and such) but in the midgame it can be very powerful as a dps source in teamfights.

                                                              That still doesn't mean you skip over utility items to get it, but getting it early is reasonable. Just don't do stupid shit like delaying forcestaff against riki or something equally retarded, always get the shit you need to survive first, because your damage comes from levels to begin with, aghs is just the icing on an already delicious cake.

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                                                                Also I think they should remove the mini-stun from the Bolts that the Nimbus does. Too good and noone can do a channeling spell (pre-BKB) within the range which isn't small itself.


                                                                  Thanks 4 the time to reply :)


                                                                  I actually did it last night in this 80 mins game above

                                                                  Agh, Refresher, Octarine

                                                                  And yes, i had the biggest DMG in the game, bigger than AM,MK,etc....check it out :D


                                                                  But still, that sniper with 2xRapier fucked my nimbus easily :))

                                                                  Having said, maybe it is an awesome spell after all

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                                                                    I havent tried it yet but I think its really good considering it mini stuns, also with refresher it can be a nightmare to push against this.


                                                                      If aghs still gives bonus damage along with this cloud seems a good investment


                                                                        I think it's a "win more" kinda thing. I think Nimbus is easy to kill if the enemy has good right-clickers and is a huge mana waste
                                                                        But if you're ahead, it's one of those annoying things that nobody wants to pay attention to, but kinda has to (like Tombstone, except tankier...but then it also doesnt annoy as much as tombstone)

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                                                                            U can use it like a electric ward that can cast everywhere. Cast it on jungle to give vision. Aghs zeus is for support zeus while refresher and aether lens is for nuker zeus

                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                              ^I think the previous suggestion would apply to you as well.


                                                                                Cast nimbus on Monkey King if he jumps on tree. Monkey King cant even shit on trees


                                                                                  nimbus gives high hero damage
                                                                                  high hero damage means high impact
                                                                                  i think its very good


                                                                                    if you have refresher already and go for aghs its very good (aghs gives both dmg upgrade on primary ult and gives nimbus).


                                                                                      With refresher and aghs u can GLOBALLY double bolt and double ulti anyone. Someone calculate the dmg cuz fack dude.


                                                                                        works very well with legion duel


                                                                                          It's pretty strong. Also I think they did a stealth patch and took away the extra damage Zues used to get from aghs.


                                                                                            That extra damage was shit anyway. Now with Nimbus that would be super broken Aghs Refresher Zeus rush all day every day.

                                                                                            Vem Comigo

                                                                                              Symetrical getting banned


                                                                                                If you think this item is bad you are pretty terrible at Dota, even if it only casts one bolt it's still a global tp canceling sunstrike. If your enemies are forced to focus it midfight or it gets more than one bolt off it becomes even more disgustingly good.


                                                                                                  Its an item which looks like it doesnt do anything (like maybe aba aghs) when in fact behind the scene it carried the whole fight

                                                                                                  BSJ. LGD

                                                                                                    its actually a pretty good anti commitment zoning spell, also a good anti split pushing spell


                                                                                                      Wen i tried it out I didn't have enough mana to do ulti->nimbus->refresher->ulti->nimbus on the first refresher combo. Later on, got it. Damage was insane tho. So maybe the best build with this is
