General Discussion

General Discussion2k trench

2k trench in General Discussion

    Adapt to the situation
    There is a reason why heroes dont get MKB every game or supports babysit the pos 1 24/7 every game ffs

    Riguma Borusu

      if you stack ancients for 10 minutes instead of being more useful to what your teammates need/do, you are as bad as them because you aren't contributing to winning the game, MMR is only measure of that and it's the only thing that really matters as far as evaluating your general capabilities


        so i see jugg have phase ring of health i should expect to see aether lens next and hence adapt to his build before he buys it?

        Riguma Borusu

          if anything, if you're much better than everyone, you pick morphling and farm jugg's lane, then end the game with 23-0-5 and 800+ GPM

          that's adapting to the game, not playing/picking a low impact support (at that bracket) that won't win the game by itself

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            You dont get aether lens jugg teammate every game
            Why babyrage about one specific loss
            If you're really better than your bracket, you'd have 55%+ winrate (hell even that is pesimistic)


              if anything, if you're much better than everyone, you pick morphling and farm jugg's lane, then end the game with 23-0-5 and 800+ GPM
              that's adapting to the game, not playing/picking a low impact support (at that bracket) that won't win the game by itself

              why should i do that? its a team game..
              trusting my allies to do things together with me, thats what contributes to mmr at high level games, and thats what makes me able to win party mmr games of avg 5k... so why should i give those up? so what if ignoring my team will help me get high mmr? will you bang your head against the wall 10000 times if it gave u higher GPA? makes no fucking sense....

              like how do i fucking play mid when i dont get pooled tangoes, no support tps to refill my bottle, no support secures runes for me?? when i play mid i trust my teammates to cover me, but when i get ganked no one tps to help. 2k players betraying their fiduciary duties to me, am i not supposed to be mad??!

              doc joferlyn simp

                Is this still Vohiyo? Or the original owner using it again? The Danganronpa picture and all lower case letter name all point that Vohiyo still using it. If so I applaud his persistence and focus on his act.

                If not, carry on.

                Riguma Borusu

                  why should i do that? its a team game..

                  It is a retard game at low MMR, it has no resemablance of a team game there. People don't know or care about roles anyway, and if you don't realize that, you're either stupid or willfully ignorant.

                  trusting my allies to do things together with me, thats what contributes to mmr at high level games, and thats what makes me able to win party mmr games of avg 5k... so why should i give those up?

                  You are not even 2k, you believe you are 5k, YET YOU BELIEVE THE 2k TEAMMATES TO DO SHIT RIGHT? I'm speechless.

                  so what if ignoring my team will help me get high mmr? will you bang your head against the wall 10000 times if it gave u higher GPA? makes no fucking sense....

                  What makes no fucking sense is that you are in complete denial of the fact that the only thing that matters is winning the game, no matter how, that's what MMR represents in every sport. Even in chess, you can use tactics that are somewhat frowned upon, but work against low Elo players. The difference is that in chess, there's no team. But at low MMR, in DOTA, there's no team either, and as I said, the reason you don't deserve 5k is because you can't understand how to win 2k games. I've played 4k+ games long before I even got to 2k, and I've been able to win them, but that didn't mean I am a 4k+ player because I still struggled to win games up to 3k. Being 5k+ means you can take on opponents much lower MMR than you are and still win, that's how MMR classifies you.

                  like how do i fucking play mid when i dont get pooled tangoes, no support tps to refill my bottle, no support secures runes for me??

                  A real 5k player can buy wards and courier, go mid, and still end the game 26-0-5 all while randoming. You have no excuses, you can't lose mid in a 1k-2k game if you're really 5k material.

                  when i play mid i trust my teammates to cover me, but when i get ganked no one tps to help. 2k players betraying their fiduciary duties to me, am i not supposed to be mad??!

                  The only person you can be mad is yourself, because you know all those things yet you play like you're in complete denial. The enemy mid can't depend on their teammates either, and apparently, the enemy mid is a 1k-2k player, while you're a 5k fucking player. Do you not realize that if what you're saying is true, than the enemy has a team of incompetent 1k-2k players you describe your teammates being, while you only have four of those? Your potential to win the game is ASTOUNDING. You can't expect people much worse than you (as you think they are) to do things that you THINK they should, you have to depend only on yourself, and the enemy team can't depend on each other either.

                  Seriously, imagine Dota is war. You would not depend on people who are extremely weak both physically and in character to cover your back, then be betrayed and go like "im much better than those people, i can't survive because they are such shitty solders!" when you know that beforehand. I know it's a stupid comparison, but seriously, if you "know" all these things beforehand, and act as if they were not true, you don't deserve higher MMR, simply put.

                  BTW playing in party MMR where you drop the average a fuckton because you have 5k+ teammates means fucking nothing. I actually have really low party MMR and I goof with friends all the time, picking and playing stupid shit, and I still win a fuckton of games that way, but so do I win a lot of games in high 3k+, with high winrate.

                  Come back to the discussion when you've had a 80%+ winrate in your 2k bracket for a week, and then we can talk again, because that's what a 5k player does in low MMRs.

                  I am not even saying you can't do that, seriously, if you're really 5k material, you will be able to pull off, but the reality is that you have no fucking idea how to win 1k-2k games and it reflects on your winrate and MMR. You are barely making it even with your winrate.

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                  BSJ. LGD

                    xd jebaited