General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat one small action angers you?

What one small action angers you? in General Discussion
Président® Salted Butter

    People autoattacking creeps. Seriously, fuck people who autoattack creeps and not the enemy heroes, or people who try to zone and draw aggro

    registered flex offender

      Jungle legion pulling small camp at 0:53


        when im a timber solo and this support keeps going to my lane

        like my last timber game hot damn that magnus tilted me so hard

        Président® Salted Butter

          Ah, yes, when you play an offlane hero that desperately needs levels and some dumbfuck comes to your lane just to leech xp and steal cs


            When people share their opinion about something I already know and act like it's super advanced knowledge


              supports drawing aggro shouldn't trigger you - at least they are trying and fairly sure they are doing it out of ignorance not trolling....

              just sigh and cry a little.

              Giff me Wingman

                having to play against quadlane mid and enemy carry gets for some reason freefarm while my other 4 teammates are mad at each other because they want the same junglecreep.