General Discussion

General Discussioncan someone explain to be the interaction between skadi and mjolner?

can someone explain to be the interaction between skadi and mjolner? in General Discussion
yung griphook

    So skadi only procs when lightning doesnt proc? But if it procs so often, why is skadi worth it if you have a mjolner? If you want stats surely a linkens is a better option? Or is the skadi purchase just so you can kill heroes that are by themselves? Having trouble understanding why you would buy both

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      because skadi slow lasts for several seconds, and 99.99% of time it will get applied again before the slow durations runs out


        Also Skadi provides way more stats than Linkens

        casual gamer

          skadi is an hp / stat item that keeps you from being kited and improves your manfighting

          linken is a kinda regen + anti pickoff type item that gives decent but not amazing stats

          mjolnir is a dps attack speed item that deals magic damage. the active scales with how much damage you can take


            linkens is also a tank type of item, useful when going highground


              Linkens isn't a tank item, u get like 15 stats, and block 1 spell. Not much tanking dude. Skadi is aids on sniper, kite for days.


                Don't listen to that loser, he's also going to tell you weaver is not a support and that every support should go mek


                  No i!m not u autistic fuck. People who assume this shit trigger the fuck out of me. IMO people like u shud just be killed and hidden somewhere like they never existed.


                    truly linkens really isnt a tank item. its more common to pick up on an evasive hero that can get out in the extra second of reaction time or against someone with one really strong single target spell such as necro tb or bs. It doesnt give enough stats to be considered a tan item and your enemys can still just right click you down


                      another braindead fucking retard... geez. Dotabuff is infested


                        Linkens is shit against blood seeker. Any seeker with any moderate amt of skill will pop linkens with bloodrage. And the spell has a 6 second CD.


                          @lifedancer name any tank hero who gets linkens to tank. And u call people braindead. Talk an actual argument instead of just fucking calling people names. Enlighten me.

                          Freya 69

                            Linken's is a decent 4.8k sustain item for certain heroes or against certain drafts mostly. It generally takes the place of lifesteal modifiers and other farming items such as Battlefury if used for sustain. Skadi is a BKB piercing modifier and movement slow that provides the most well rounded stats in the game. Without looking it up, I think the total hp on Skadi is 750, and Linken's is 300. That would be on top of the attack slow from being auto attacked by Skadi in a core fight.

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