Support Weaver is just a fucking bait title. DiffusalBlade Medallion Agha Those items pretty much make you pos 3 already. Would rather call it a Utility Weaver.
its kinda like support riki since support riki still transitions into dps items pretty much
but support sniper sounds just like "fuck no"
Its a pos 3.5 I believe it was zai who recently said pos 4 doesn't exist anymore, can't quote him and don't remember when, but the formerly pos 4 supports r running around with a lot more farm and pos 5 supports seem to still have those brown boots 20 min in. That's what I see in pros
What abt support huskar? Stand in front of wave and throw infinite burning spears at offlane. Go arcanes, Vlad's, armlet, greaves, halberd/solar crest. SeemsGood
Honestly I duno how he gets farm as semi support though. He only gets aghs super late. Pretty sure that's detrimental to the effectiveness of weaver support. But they make it work
Do you think that support needs to have some disables?
E.g. Venomancer has no stuns => he is bad support, right?
In other words, if hero can deal a lot of damage with no farm it's not enough to qualify for support role.
E.g. lvl 7 Sniper deals 2475 magic damage to single target with 3 charges of Shrapnel, but it's not enough, right?
aghs weaver is just situationally really really really good
usually when people commit BIG SPELLS on someone and he doesn't die, the fight is fucking lost. weaver cannot time lapse himself while stunned but he can full heal his carry that's inside chronosphere from a frankly ridiculous range
oh, and time lapse removes stuns
Who the fuck stands under a Sharpnel for so long? And 3 charges takes time to reload. Sure, aether and blink for spamming assasination and chase them down with like 3000 range extend. xD
Support hero have the ability to impact game with very few items. Weaver's first skill fits the description and Agha TimeLapse is totally great but 4200 gold is too greedy as a support. Warlock needs Agha to keep up too so he buys midas but in the first few minutes getting Agha he can use all those great skills to give momentum while Weaver is just a leech running around if without items so the moment he gets Diffusal I would already say he's semi-carry. I just think that build is too greedy to be called support.
And I would only pick Veno because there are two or more carry melee heroes for me to kite. Not because of damage.
he's not really a support, he doesn't build support items. What he does is defer farm to other heroes. They'll trilane with weaver and he'll just try and zone out opposing team. Maxes beetles pretty early for team fight, gets gold off those assists and transitions to carry later.
@Cheap Laugh Guy
"Who the fuck stands under a Sharpnel for so long?"
Same question tortures me for a long time, but they do... I mean average DOTA 2 players. They just stand in it. Of course, sometimes they have no choice (e.g. defensive Shrapnel near tower they try to push, Shrapnel inside Chronosphere or Shrapnel into Rosh-pit), but I think some of them don't know how much damage it deals or they fail to notice it, because it comes in small portions.
It's true. Aghs is too expensive for support. That's why u kinda play him pos3. But then u have like a weak pos3 that doesn't do that much dmg. U get medallion. But your survivability sucks without linkens. U can go urn then aghs. But then your dmg sucks too until u get diffisal.
@Dire Wolf
Aquila, Medallion, Deso, AgS or
Solar, Difusal, AgS, Blink doesn't look like transition into core, it's pure utility, I think.
Medallion is enough for weaver to keep up in terms of DMG for a while. Diffusal for the slow too, think of it like a pos 3.5, he is a greedy support. But in the early game he can get by with only medallion and raindrops. The only item he requires to fully come online is aghs, think of it like the farming needs of a clockwerk. Its not too obscene.
@DIre wolf "he's not really a support, he doesn't build support items. What he does is defer farm to other heroes. They'll trilane with weaver and he'll just try and zone out opposing team. Maxes beetles pretty early for team fight, gets gold off those assists and transitions to carry later."
HE IS A FUCKING SUPPORT. DON'T SPREAD NOOB SHIT AND LEARN WHAT BEING A SUPPORT MEANS! A support doesnt need "support items", support items doesn't even exist, that's just your closeminded shitty approach to dota ohh mek so good me best support stupid! just stupid! this is what weaver support looks like in pubs
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So I wonder if any pro team will ever pick support Sniper?