General Discussion

General DiscussionCoaching

Coaching in General Discussion

    Hey guys,

    I'm a 5k player, and I want to give some people free coaching

    You gotta know english tho aight?

    EDIT: aight homies i can no longer keep up with everyone, i cant promise to coach everyone, ill do my best tho

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      Am i worthy enough senpai?

      Kermit's dark side

        Hey guys, I'm a 1k player and I want to give some guys free coaching
        You gotta know English tho


          i want but im not online only on weekends sometimes

          what is coaching ? in lobby?


            That's pretty cool


              hi can u coach me im 3k


                I got english enough to read what u teach me, listening i need some time to understand
                See my matches and think if worth it

                The Medic Guy

                  me coach ok no?
                  i speak speak english not so good a, few few english ok la
                  so coach me can?


                    @Fabs you look like an offlane player and I honestly am not very good at offlaning, sorry!

                    @Riva let's go

                    @Redemption Let's give it a shot, but if your english isnt that good i cant promise to be too helpful tho :3


                      @marlan pretty sure your mmr is around 5k at least


                        I'm a support player, but my team forced me to go mid in a previous match. I feel I played bad and apologized to my team. But we didn't flame each other. Ugh lol. I played as TA against a 4K OD kid. To be honest, guy didn't seem that great a player, he seemed like he only beat me in mid due to experience in mid.

                        Anyway, I've changed my mindset to whatever hero/role I do, I just aim to try to play it better then try to win. What other mindsets you think people should have to improve?


                          I feel like half the games are won in the drafting phase, and if you're climbing mmr, its always best to assume you are the best player on your team.
                          So when possible, try to pick last and make sure it's the best pick, depending on their draft, yours, and your own skill.

                          Also, i always play to win right up until the ancient falls. There's always a chance to win (they can ALWAYS throw, fountain dive, rapiers etc) so be patient and dont spiral down even if your team gives up.

                          Lastly, identify the win conditions for a game. Do you need to win lanes? do you need to protect a player? do you need to keep their player down? do you have certain timings you have to hit?


                            Yeah true some of my buddies tend to rage and give up a lot. 9/10 times I will probably never give up, or I'll at least make the other team work for it lol.

                            I feel I need to reintroduce myself to babysitting my carries again. I get so bored of doing that I just want to fight if I have the right hero lol. I feel the best way to win lanes is if I have a good laning partner, whether it be carry or support who communicates with you.

                            The one thing I feel low-mid 3k players struggle on is knowing the timing they have to hit with their heroes and the average time they need to get their items. If Dota had players who were as social as CSGO players where we all talk in game it would make games better ;S I mean its 2016, but whatever lol


                              If there is an actual need to babysit, it probably means the lane is contested and you should be harrassing/pulling/being a dick to them instead of being bored. if there is really nothing to do just go do some stacks and be a bitch in other lanes, but carry a tp if your core needs help.

                              Yeah thats true in lower brackets, especially since lower than 4k is kind of unpredictable. I always imagined it as a shitfest brawl lol.

                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                My party mmr is dropping. Can you coach me and whoever I invite so I can get my party mmr rolling like my solo?


                                  ^why do u care about party mmr so much? its meaningless

                                  The Medic Guy

                                    ^i feel sad now

                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                      @ Mr leaf
                                      I am noob player that only can do jungle and only can do with 2 hero,can you coach me in any lane?

                                      My English get B+ and nearly B Star in high school, it shouldn't be a problem.

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                                        @leaf, true my friend. I guess I gotta sacrifice my fun doing other things so I can ensure on a higher chance of win. I gotta live by the zai code of sacrificing my fun lol


                                          @leaf can you coach me?


                                            how do i get to 4k


                                              just be yourself and you'll get there naturally^^

                                              @leaf i used to do this a while back but there were too many people and it just piled up too much.

                                              so what im saying is: manage your time!!! unlike what i did XD

                                              anyways, good luck & have fun


                                                nice punchline :D


                                                  @triple keep playing wr, that shuold do the trick for you


                                                    u only say that cz invoker recently disappeared from my 8 most played heroes; my windranger is not nearly as good


                                                      @leaf now tell me how we could start?


                                                        @triple yeah your invoker is better than my sf Lul


                                                          @riva im starting a game rn add me after


                                                            @leaf just so you know i play in sea server


                                                              riva add me


                                                                Hi boss. Im start in MMR 1 digit, and now i had 3k MMR. Can you coaching me how to good basic ? Im always online everyday. And i have time GMT +7 15.00-24.00
                                                                I cant speaking english well but im understand.

                                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                  I will add u Mr leaf coach me please

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                                                                          ^you mean like the necro spammer?

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                                                                              Good guy leaf coached me awhile ago, sadly its an LP game coz of my buddy. Thanks for your insights and tips, i'll try harder and GIT GUD

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                hi friendly ns player here. would like to get some feedback regarding pos4/3

                                                                                i appreciate you offering free coaching man, youre doing the community a lot of good

                                                                                I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                                  Finally a decent thread and people are trolling op. No surprise this forums garbage


                                                                                    coach me to 5k pls

                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                      ^^true, but sadly this is how the forum is

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                                                                                        Add me sensei,im lost.I cant add limited acc.

                                                                                        I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                                          It used to be good with many skilled players posting, but sadly with the current vocal userbase being utterly awful there is no longer any incentive for anyone good to post apart from people who were already here


                                                                                            coach me , start with decisions making .
                                                                                            idk why my decision are bad af .


                                                                                              this place just recycles the same questions over and over again

                                                                                              ''how tu git vhs'' ''how tu jungle lc'' ''my team nub'' ''predikt muh mmr'' etc.

                                                                                              it has no progress, and you can't even start a good conversation because almost every player here is just NS

                                                                                              and the ideas they'll share are useless walls of text.

                                                                                              this forum REALLY needs other sub-forums and some private messaging system + quote notifications

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                                                                                                I feel like i make shit decisions in game , help me please


                                                                                                  wpwp kkkkk



                                                                                                    @tolo @xignum @scarlet @Ashrel lets go boys


                                                                                                      @haffy id be glad to