General Discussion

General Discussioncan the system be set so i dont lose mmr??

can the system be set so i dont lose mmr?? in General Discussion
4pos pudge/grim only

    im started playing ranked like two weeks ago and mainly playing supports bcoz too many carry in the team. my last game i got to play carry but then our lifestealer abandoned the game and we lost the game so hard. is it fair if all teammates lost mmr?? why cant the system just punish the one who abandoned?? like -100 of his own mmr (and others just lose like -10) so that people actually play ranked when they want to play, instead of playing when bored and dc when he got errand to do


      Have to agree
      It's more triggering when you play support and this idiot carry picker did nothing at all for 10 minutes and abandoned, leaving the enemy team consisting 5 carries to have farm heaven

      TheDoctor (HTPG)

        sadly valve didn't give a shit about us
        all they care is their profits and the majority satisfaction

        4pos pudge/grim only

          but what i truly mean is if this method get to be implied, will it have any effects? if it wouldnt cause anything bad, then it really should be done by now


            that's a stupid idea, someone could easily abuse this to get to 10k mmr for free

            4pos pudge/grim only

              @cookie the enemy gain mmr normally, but the teammates of the abandoned lost little less mmr than usual. just heavy mmr penalty for those who abandoned (he kinda cover the mmr loss for his team for his ignorance act)

              doc joferlyn simp
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                  u can abuse party mmr by 10k with that shit and you are stupid as fuck aswell
                  thx me later


                    How if its u who abandon the game somehow and u got -100 mmr, U really want that?

                    4pos pudge/grim only

                      @katz ah thanks for the explanation. thats answered my question i guess

                      @xcell if it is me who abandon the game, i will probably just man it up and take the blame (also the -100 penalty)


                        stupid idea.

                        firstly, there are plenty of legitimate reasons that someone abandons game from internet outage, house burning down, having a baby etc.

                        secondly, there will be extensive bullying of individual players to get them to abandon so everyone else loses less mmr.

                        thirdly, parties will abuse by having one person continually abandon when the game looks lost.

                        I do however feel your pain about losses due to abandoning teammates as does everyone on this forum. only we don't whine about it :)

                        Este comentário foi editado

                          i use laptop and few other people around use laptop when they far from home and playing dota sometime can result on the hole pc to shutdown and sometimes take +5minuts to reboot if no one pause u just get aban and sometime even lp also people in 3rd world like me can have so many problems with internet lets say ping is 90 its stable and all u get 10min in game there u go 9k ms ping enjoy ur game, ur idea basicly is punishment for both those who rage quite also those who have real problems.

                          EDIT: also its pretty damm commen for internet to go offline for hours i got more then 70% of my aban cuz of it lmao i even get it in ez matches or when am carrying once happen before we take last rak for mega lmao

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                          Riguma Borusu

                            if you do not abandon, there's a bigger chance somebody on the enemy team will abandon, than that somebody on yours will

                            basically, the system is already set up so that you get free MMR by just not abandoning, so what the fuck are you complaining about?

                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                              The system is fine. Sometimes shit happens, and it sucks, but all you can really do is make it up in future games.

                              I understand that it can be very frustrating, but the best thing to do is move on instead of dread 20 - 60 minutes of that shit ranked game.