General Discussion

General DiscussionCan we see more ppl like that on offical tournaments?

Can we see more ppl like that on offical tournaments? in General Discussion

    this is ridiculous stupidity,

    do you know the reason any AFK jungle that actually gives A LOT of farm to the jungler, compared to the lanes, isn't in the pro meta?

    that jungler takes 5-7 minutes(saying they're top possible efficency for that hero) to get a lot of farm that would let him snowball

    so why doesn't this work in PRO games?

    you're taking 5-7 minutes(or even more) to literally CONTRIBUTE NOTHING TO THE GAME.

    standard is having 2 supports which would help lanes, if you have 1 support who's forced to do everything, that means enemy can easily win ANY lane they want

    they can send 3lane vs your carry, they can gank mid, they can even shut down the jungler.