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General Discussionethreal blade + dagon bloodseeker?? what way of playing bloodseeker ...

ethreal blade + dagon bloodseeker?? what way of playing bloodseeker is this?? in General Discussion

    tried ethereal blade dagon bloodseeker for just 1 GAME. I see this build frequently at higher mmr. is this build worth it??

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          In 3 digits everything posible btw

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            DRAGON lmao


              no, never will be.


                ROFL dude. dragon. xD

                Riguma Borusu

                  it is perfectly viable against a right lineup, I spammed this from 3k to 3.5k for the lulz

                  anyway, you have to make sure that you do not feed your huge lead, also if they have multiple carries or heroes that close distance you are fucked unless you position like a god

                  aether lens helps
                  forcestaff/blink helps too
                  aghs is good complement to keep more people in place
                  octarine core is good too with the build since it lets you be more active with it in a fight
                  veil is not too shabby either

                  you can nuke people for over 3k hp with this if they don't have any extra magic resist (2x blood rage, veil ethereal dagon)

                  best combo'd with magic nuker team

                  do not use the ethereal to focus down their carry unless you know he will die

                  best picked against timbersaws and other heroes that are basically impervious to physical damage

                  best picked when you have a frontliner to soak the damage so you can stand on the side

                  best picked when you want to finish early before they pick a huge number of defensive items

                  again, this is worth repeating - best picked when you are not a retard who will get a huge lead and then feed it away because you are a piece of paper

                  unlike the physical build this one is pretty good against sven because you ult him so he can't kill shit, and when his bkb wears off, you just nuke the fuck out of him, there's nothing he can do (but his teammates can, mind you)

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