General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout Data Quality

About Data Quality in General Discussion

    What is Data Quality guys ? I just wanted to ask why I'm on D.
    what's the qualification to get A+ or some like B+ or any thanks


      Its just how many of ur games have been analyzed by true sight. Its not abt ur play or anything. The games where it lists ur item timings and lane and core or supp role have been analyzed, if u have dotabuff plus it jumps u up the list and it'll analyze faster or something. Not sure on how exactly dotabuff plus helps, only that it does.


        oh i see thank you mate :)


          I believe that getting Dotabuff plus ensures that all of your new games get analysed whereas if you don't have it only some of your games will be analysed at random


            yeah i see that ur lucky you're last 3 games was been analyzed :)