General Discussion

General DiscussionShould i play just play QOP or PA in every game to get a win?

Should i play just play QOP or PA in every game to get a win? in General Discussion

    HOW TO WIN ?????

    casual gamer

      qop is shit

      pa is very good, taking rosh with vlads deso and knowing how to weave in and out of fights will win you almost every game


        Tbh even a supporty roaming pa can solo roshan with blight stone, medallion and vlads.


          Thing is i feel like as qop if i die once im suddenly so far behind even if i was like 4-0. She relys so much on snowballing. I think she needs a lower cd ulti, but im not an experienced enough qop player to truly tell u what she needs

          casual gamer

            dagger cast range increased to 700/800/900/1000 xd


              tbh I'm pretty sure killing yourself is the answer here

              clueless clown

                Qop squishy as f. Her right click is not bad if u farm items but her health pool is so shit. She just dies. Doesnt matter if u snowballed. Guess thats why her competitive pick rate fell. Similar case with sf. But then again sfs item build changed into primarily a nuker. He used 2 be mor3 a right clicker


                  Follow your heart.


                    play oracle every game


                      dont just spam one hero choose 5 you like and play them otherwise u will be shit om everyother hero


                        You gonna lose anyway.
                        Learn all heroes will make you win more games, know what to pick in every game.

                        2k indog monkey

                          Tbh I'd rather suggest new players to spam, so they'll notice their mistakes easier and fix them asap instead of forcing them to learn all heroes while they don't even know how to last hit or cast their spells correctly


                            ^no, if real newbies spam heroes, they will become like diox.
                            if they want to climb mmr, sure spam heroes, but I think newbies need to do the all hero challenge atleast twice to get to know the all the heroes spells, spell interactions, weaknesses strengths etc

                            suck dick for pma

                              from someone who loves queen, she is just a terrible hero. She dies so ez, which sucks cause if you're snowballing and get caught out then you will keep losing fights, getting more behind until you eventually lose.


                                I havent played every hero but the only ones i havent r the reall hard ones like chen meepo ld, and wd cuz he is boring af.


                                  Did you consider actually getting good at Dota?


                                    How do u post vid not on utube?


                                      qop dont have a good spot in the meta, unless u can snowball as hell, PA is better option, but no a 100% success as u may believe..


                                        qop sucks. you kill 69 heroes in 7 minutes and you'll still feel like you're behind.


                                          Sniper drow luna


                                            Luna is way better than qop.
                                            Also PA can be countered by nuker in the fight before bkb.


                                              QoP is not supposed to be carry, you play her for a good clear of illusions in teamfight or just a good ult. (with aghs). Save your blink for a good ult or an escape and you are gonna do fine.


                                                Thing is qop takes mid farm to just end up feeling behind after dying once. She is so reliant on snowballing in order to stay relevant that a little bump ruins her.