General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you levelup experience trophy faster by winning?

Do you levelup experience trophy faster by winning? in General Discussion

    do i need to traihard?


      Why r u smurfing

      Este comentário foi editado

        24 hour matchmaking cooldown


          i think win/losses dont really affect how many experience points you get
          when i made this smurf, i had like a 65-70 winrate, which still took me 130+games to play rank

          I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

            hey boost me man ywn god


              experience trophy is based on playtime nevertheless losing or winning


                But some ppl can play ranked in less time than others. It is a flawed and mysterious system


                  I believe it is as lalisa said, only matters how long the matches are


                    Trihard is the only way.


                      If u think about it, if it is based on game time, you benefit from longer games not shorter ones. The more shorter games u play, the more time u waste waiting for games in between


                        lategames is what u need


                          only game length matters afair