General Discussion

General DiscussionShould i smurf?

Should i smurf? in General Discussion

    Im a 1.3 solo mmr player. But when i checked my unrank game the last od gane i found a 2,8 mmr player(do not flame for my bad performance coz i got 30 losses) and in my last mirana game i found. 2.5 mmr guy. 2 month before that i see a 3,8 mmr player but dunno why he end up in ns. So i check my earlier game and i got around 2,7 average in my games. That means i will be high skill in 20-30 game? So as the titles suggested should i smurf when i got to high skill. Its around 150 game to get to ranked play. But if i grind in my main acc i would need 330+ games.


      every player should try atleast once
      sometimes can be very profound


        No please hahaha


          imo, its fine, just dont become delusional and keep making smurfs


            smurfs are great, just don't be the person who insists on taking core roles if you've over-calibrated

            死の恐怖 Haseo

              I got vhs solo unrank but im stuck at 3.4k feelsbadman

              I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                anyone who earnestly think they should try to climb 3k brackets should shoot themselves


                  wen u said smurf i thot u meant ALche


                    whatever you do avoid the 3.8k-4.5k bracket. nowhere else will one find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


                      I made a smurf and calibrated at 4512, I was 3700

                      Since then I climbed to 4700, and back down to 4500 and now I'm at 4540

                      So sometimes smurfs are a good idea if you want a shortcut to a boost

                      But don't over expect your MMR and be happy with what you get


                        How do you avoid 3.8. I dont wanna over calibrated and lose every game i play


                          Im not gonna make like 100 smurf 1 should be enough ans i will transfer all of my item once i caliberated


                            confirmed 3k games are cancer,


                              3k games have supports right?


                                they pick support heroes but dont support properly, not all players though
                                but usually its a 5 core lineup


                                  3k ranked should have 1 support in most cases.


                                    Be like jO and make a million smurf accounts.


                                      sure go make a smurf

                                      but give me your 1k main then, i'll take good care of it :3


                                        cookie u serious about this? I had no problem since i got a new acc. How can i contact you?


                                          yes so u calibrate at 2,5 k and fall to 1.3 again


                                            there's a facebook button on my dotabuff :3


                                              So r u saying instead of grinding out of sub 1k I shud smurf? Or shud I get to a certain point on my main then smurf?


                                                my opinion is biased towards whatever gets me a new fun 1k toy to play on :3


                                                  Cookie shud I climb to 2k or something then smurf or what


                                                    Started a thread on this exact same topic. my unraked games are 3.0-3.7 on smurf and my main i cant seem to get over 1.2k.


                                                      nuke,you're also free to send me that 1.2k acc :3


                                                        : C====3
                                                        Cookie sick minded bastardo

                                                        Este comentário foi editado

                                                          : C====3

                                                          dont feed :( sick minded bastardo


                                                            46.5% winrate in ranked matches.
                                                            dont smurf untill u hot at least 60% on 100+ games.
                                                            people in your unranked games may have any mmr, as long as their hidden rating is the same as yours. they can be 0k, 6k, etc. - it doesnt reflect how good you are.

                                                            < blank >

                                                              100% 3k is cancer, I mute everygame all chat. High chance what they say isn't useful anyways.


                                                                I recommend not smurfing quite yet. Wise to get a few hundred more hours to get a feel for the game.


                                                                  As someone who used to buy 3 phase boots on bounty hunter and played first ranked match after 500+ games (calibrated at 1.7k), I highly recommend grinding your way from wherever you are to where you want to be. It takes a lot more time than smurfing but it is the only way to improve. Even if you get calibrated at 3k from 1k, you'll still play at a lower skill level. If you really are as good as you think, climbing from 1k to 3k should not be a problem. I went from 1.7k to 4.2k over 16 months and still going :)


                                                                    You meet opponents by bracket in unranked not by your actual hidden mmr. If your normal skill you meet anywhere from 0-3.2k.


                                                                      create one new account then reach 3k.


                                                                        Your hidden mmr on this acc is 3558.


                                                                          idk why ppl smurfing to get a higher mmr than he should be, when he can easily climb if hes good enough. I know someone whos play dota 2 early when im still playin dota 1 and he insist to make a new acc if he calibrated to 2k or low 3k, they want an instant 4k. The result, now im alrd at 4k when they still flying around 3k bracket. u can check 2 of his smurfs on my steam profile, and hes also there too

                                                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                                                            You will learn a lot from smurfing, my normal account was legit 1k when i made my first smurf, played on it for a couple months and came back to my main and raised it by 1k mmr, this is my second smurf and usually ill play on my main to play with friends.

                                                                            Swap Commends

                                                                              Yes. U can smurf, then ruin 2k 3k ranked games, fall down, get reported, smurf again

                                                                              meteor hammer

                                                                                smurfing is super cancer tbh

                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                  jacked stop making smurfs

                                                                                  you'll always be 1.3k dogshit, accept it and commit seppuku


                                                                                    Hahaha.. sad case.
                                                                                    My smurf acc just get very high skills bracket <10 games.