i would suggest playing tidehunter , necro , slardar and timber. they helped me very much and i believe they would help you as well.
@euls,tidehunter is actually a hero im considering playing in certain lineups, thnx
@dont, my void is bad, got carried most of the games when I play that hero
Play what ur good @ then tide's con is ravage cd
Honestly try timber the hero is still cancer try spamming it to git gud
offlane is mostly fun because of bad enemy supports and weak hard carries ) and no one comes to gang offlane this patch
Void/SK works for me like a charm. I'm adding Timber to the pool too, although he is highly situational. Since you can always firstpick Void and SK, but firstpicking Timber is kind of bad.
offlane is my favorite role and probably the best for raising mmr. obviously void is super good solo since you dont die, and timber as well but save it for last pick so they dont go am and kotl or w/e.
others worth trying are underlord solo or duo and my personal favorite is spirit breaker. hes ok solo if they have a weak lane but if you go duo lane with a lich/omni or something with more dmg like silencer you will make the enemy carry cry. you can also repeatedly dumpster mid as long as you chrage from the right angle or smoke.
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Its the only role, I believe I can play decently. I was wondering how efficient it is to raise your MMR playing solo offlane compared to mid/carry/support