General Discussion

General DiscussionTo all people who want very high skill and want to get out of the dee...

To all people who want very high skill and want to get out of the deepest of trenches. From 500 mmr to 3.5k. Not a huge jump but it's MY story. in General Discussion
Mic Check...

    First of all, if you have anything bad to say, SAY IT. xD

    Any questions, feel free to ask.

    I began playing my first moba (Dota) from June 2015. I fell in love with the world of Dota after watching coverage of TI5 and sumails storm spirit plays. I was casually playing in 500 mmr average games until about November 2015 and then I realised I actually want to get better and am able to put the effort in so I would sit there watching Sumail replays of storm spirit and practise that hero myself. I played him until he was officially deemed 'Nerfed to the bone'.

    So at the start of January 2016, I was encouraged to make a new account to get a true value of my MMR. I am so bad at calibrating so I never ever did calbrate on my new account. Instead I created new accounts until I was put in very high skill games, and that of course did not happen because I was not focusing on improving, I was just clicking the find match button and hoping I would have easy first 20 games on the new accounts I created.

    From January 2016 to April 2016, everytime i played dota it was solely on getting very high skill. I created about 10 new accounts which I only played about 1000 games in total on all (some more than others). I got into a crazy frenzy of playing games waiiting for 'very high skill' to come to me but it didn't. I realised what I was doing was super bad and it got me not enjoying dota anymore so I took a three-month break from Dota (June til September). In this time I watched TI6, watched streams and watched dota games.

    The break was the best thing that happened to me because I started to get better understanding of the game because I was watching Dota now and then.
    I came back to Dota once the school season started again in September and I decided to start from fresh. I wanted a main account and smurf that will be mine forever. Two accounts that I will have the best and worst of times in. One for mainly learning new things and the other for applying it in a much higher skill setting.

    My first account got calibrated to 3.1k. I've never been close to 3k before and my hughest mmr before that was around 2.2k.
    My second account is this one. And calibrated at 3.5k.

    I am still in the trenches but I'm happy that I've only played dota for 17 months and now is ranked in the top 30 percent in the world.

    There will be haters of course. Let them waste their time on you.

    Tips are:
    -Learn a hero, spam that hero until you find the weaknesses and mechanics of that hero. By doing this it allows you to the in and outs of the role of the hero u play thus making u more knowledgeable of that game. Play against counters so that you learn how to deal with it. Hard counters mean nothing if you are better at ur hero than the enemy counter is at his.

    - At least watch some pros play and see why they do the things they do

    - Add ppl with higher mmr than u and play with them when u can.

    Este tópico foi editado
    casual gamer

      if ur stuck in 3k fucking pick slark for 200 games and play half decently = 4.5k atleast

      casual gamer

        all of ur advice is actually quite good tbh


          the mmr you calibrate your seconary acc at, and your actual mmr are two very diferent things

          Este comentário foi editado
          The DarKNovA

            Slark is not exactly hard to counter even at normal skill pubs, it's just that he has a bit better chance of becoming unstoppable than most snowball heroes, but at the cost of being less effective against a team that randomly consists of good teamplay.

            Mic Check...

              During my journey I met many others in my games that have created many accounts in order to get to 'very high skill games'. So this was for them and for the ones that have been stuck at low mmr.
              I am now in a pickle. Ive never played constnantly solo queue so climbing from 3.5k to 4k is gonna be a hard climb. I still need to improve.

              Where do I go from here? I have got to where I wanted and now have to improve even more.

              casual gamer

                i can play with complete retards that try to ruin my lane (sap xp, feed kills) and still bounce back as slark, because with lvl 6 talon and drops i can jungle at an appreciable rate and i am almost guaranteed to snowball once i pick up shadow blade, if i cant get pickoffs i just continue to farm rapidly and rat out the clueless enemy team


                  congrats on 3.5k

                  strange that you got there without achieving very high skill (at least temporarily) before though.

                  Mic Check...

                    Thanks Vagis.

                    JDF8 I am not a good slark player and I don't try to learn a hero jus by playing him more. I have been watching replays of pro players playing slark and hope to spam the hero soon though. xD


                      I raised solo & party from 1.2k to over 5k

                      Using mic is half victory. Also play only core :)