General Discussion

General DiscussionI got from high skills to normal skills :( I just played solo match ...

I got from high skills to normal skills :( I just played solo match . Anyone had like me ? in General Discussion

    Anyone Have answer me? ?


      it amazes me that there are 83 other amazingweapons out there


        Its obvious bro. KDA dramatically changed

        Livin' Real Good

          The first Riki game you won, the Storm game you got carried by Zues, then okay, you won the 3rd game, got dumpstered in the very high skill game, then lost a few times in high skill, got carried in the bounty hunter game, then eventually dropped to normal skill.

          You probably don't belong in high skill. lol

          Potato Marshal

            Getting phase, deso on bh should should automatically place you in normal skill.


              look its not necessarily so bad
              if you are really good you can win vhs games like that
              its all in personal skill not in the items

              Potato Marshal

                Knowing what items to get is part of personal skill. Building pure physical right click items on a hero with a weak crit, spammable 65 mana cost abilities and a 1200 bounce range nuke that does 375 damage show a lack of personal skill.


                  in a proper lineup it's still likely somewhat viable to build it. it's not completely dogshit, as deso is also an item that helps the team.
                  in a -armor strat it could possibly work if gotten early enough. deso combined with jinada and shadow walk at like 10-15 minute mark on top of, let's say, amplify damage, can easily 1 hit kill a poorer support.

                  Potato Marshal

                    You should be spamming tracks and trying to get as many shuriken bounces as possible during team fights, not running up to heroes and breaking invisibility to apply desolator and jinada. If you really want to help your team with minus armor, then get a medallion. Jinada doesn't even amplify the bonus damage from breaking shadow walk invisibility.


                      yeah it doesn't work very well with the current meta playstyle, but if you're not hitting people then you're wasting both jinada and shadow walk.

                      ofc i'd have some big early snowball in mind, you pick up the desolator as a supportive item, letting your cores get bigger items (as deso isnt exactly a good item for when youre 6slotted right?)

                      Este comentário foi editado
                      Potato Marshal

                        You use it to chase and harass when getting 1 level of each at the beginning. There is no reason not to max shuriken by 7, and by the time you start getting more points in shadow walk and jinada, the bonus damage from both abilities isn't strong enough to warrant you to focus on building right click items. You should only break invisibility to right click when you know it's safe, your main source of damage should still be shuriken bounces and your priority should be to track the entire enemy team.


                          Thanks for all the comments & how could i get high skill again in next how many matches ?


                            Just accept the fact that you're shit like me, then find ways to improve yourself instead of trying to find ways to cheat to VHS
                            While you're smurfing and try to find a way to cheat your way to VHS, actual VHS players are actually struggling to create low bracket accounts no matter what they do
                            lul bounty phase deso


                              You couldn't even maintain decent stats in N O R M A L S K I L L
                              What makes you think that you deserve VHS?
                              Can someone link him that 5k weaboo smurf's account with 97% and 10ish KDA? Because that's how true VHS players play in NS

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                true 5ks smurf in ns by doing gyro eblade, beastmaster abyssal, and echo deso sb midas ck




                                    well you can have way more single target dps (since don't NEED arcanes) if you put points in shadow walk early as teh 120 bonus damage does quite nicely in the early game. keeping shuriken at 1 or maxing it 2nd for tp interruption cause mana issues if you do go phase.

                                    yes i know shuriken is better if you bounce it well in a teamfight.

                                    but its a meme build only works if you are noticebly more skilled than your enemy i guesss.
                                    much like you can see pro players carry 6k average games with pos 1 riki.

                                    its funny to play it though, once outcarried a meepo (ultra late though) with this kind of build xD

                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                      Sielos Vagis, you are such a noob.


                                        Have to agree with the bluestar, as a bh player myself, your playing him wrong dude

                                        TheDoctor (HTPG)

                                          i have the same case too OP
                                          my pub games are with the 4-5ks
                                          but my ranked are with the 3-4ks
                                          anyone has an explaination for this?