General Discussion

General DiscussionRigged elections

Rigged elections in General Discussion
Luis Miguel joven


    Congratz to that 50% full of trolls, racists and people that want to see the earth in flames, you won this time, don't babyrage then, gl


      Wasn't Hillary the one who wanted to go to war against Russia because of the no flight zone above Allepo?
      A Trump win is actually against the earth in flames. Racist, sexist and other buzzwords are just phrases for people who have no arguments to silence their oposition.


        Well, when half the country worships a dead gorilla you know there are some really stupid people who ruin something actually serious.


          Try half the earth worships a dead gorilla.

          Luis Miguel joven

            I don't know hilary, but I didn't listen she say she will deport non north america natives and build a wall with non usa resources, hope u enjoy ur new comunist and non globalized nation

            Luis Miguel joven

              @Dragy10 you can with money as we see

              D the Superior
                Esse comentário foi removido por um moderador

                  Communist? did you just call Trump that?
                  Please for the love of god say that you are joking.

                  Potato Marshal

                    she will deport non north america natives and build a wall with non usa resources, hope u enjoy ur new comunist and non globalized nation



                      Anyways this has nothing to do with Doter?

                      IceFrog 2020.

                      He will promise to ban Riot Games, League of Peasants, and delete that game from existence to the American people. He will also allow us to throw peanuts at Pendragon and all Riot employees!


                        You might ask why she isn't 50 points behind?

                        Mao Xina

                          Congratz American people! Now u get golden-haired Irish gorilla as ur president. Well done.


                            I believe if you voted for trump, you're an idiot
                            I believe if you voted for Hillary, you're an idiot

                            Megu Rum

                              Bernie Sanders destroys Trump in every poll ever conducted. Thanks Democratic Party for rigging the primary against Bernie. Thank you Hillary for hiring Debbie after she had to step down for rigging the primary. Thank you Hillary for being a piece of shit candidate that cannot beat an orange racist bigot.


                                Fuck the electoral college. Wins popular vote but not electoral. Complete utter bullshit of a system. It wudnt matter to me if it was the other way around and trump gets popular and hillary gets electoral, its bullshit either way. Completely unacceptable. Why r people accepting this honestly?

                                Vem Comigo

                                  I read the Trump papers, is not even that bad, the only bad thing is the break with the agreemens about Co2 and Poluent emissions, and the yearly 50millions that must be paid to invest in nature conservation.

                                  Otherwise it isnt that bad, deporting all illegal imigrants is pretty just.


                                    Ye but mass deportation is a logistical nightmare, and most have started families and shit. Almost ever issue is more complicated than what u just said


                                      mass deportation is super unlikely. as is a "wall". the president alone cannot make it happen.

                                      wouldnt mind getting the peruvians out of USE though..

                                      Vem Comigo

                                        thats why they wont deport them all togheter, i see a lot of people turning into US citizens, all the racist talk was just to attract the media on him, make retards on all the country to vote for him, especially the rednecks

                                        I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                          Memes winning what a time to be alive