General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat to do when dota fucks you so hard

What to do when dota fucks you so hard in General Discussion
registered flex offender

    I can only carry so hard. Aside from the games that I was playing badly, I've been stuck with retarded teammates that either try to get me killed because I don't speak Spanish or that constantly feed and blame me for playing like shit. Tips would be helpful.


      stop playing and get a life


        Skadi instead of ac.


          Too many rapiers, shudda had blink instead of the 4th IMO.


            you've only really a right to complain about the pudge feeding.


              why would you get rapier without daedalus


                Or one rapier and 2 crits


                  skadi makes AM hit u harder

                  AC was better but i think manta diff abyssal was the better choice

                  casual gamer

                    classic no diffusal no manta jug

                    classic 4 rapier 1 bf no crit ember

                    classic whiny dota 2 player complaining that he cant win when he pisses gold away as a carry


                      also if ur going fury dont bother with midgame items like sny and blink


                        also 317 lh in almost 1 hour game for a fury jugg is too low


                          no linken ember against lc sk how the fuck do u only have 4 deaths

                          prob sk/lc = dumb


                            Blink isn't just a mid game item wtf.


                              FYI cheese ull only find itemisation tips cuz no one knows how u rlly played.


                                ? you get blink on jugg if youre playing for the midgame to secure omnislash kills

                                if ur playing fury jugg you farm so fast that blink isnt worth the slots anymore because you can go straight into huge ass items like manta-diff/abyssal/bfly/skadi solely by splitpushing/farming

                                what are you getting blink for if youre a fury jugg anyway

                                you dont need to mimic am blink because you waste a slot on a 2k gold item

                                also you can dodge almost every gank in the game with just phase bladefury tp so u can splitpush safely or just kill them with omnislash if you have item advantage

                                registered flex offender

                                  The 3rd and 4th rappers were at the end of the game just for shits and giggles.

                                  registered flex offender

                                    The blink was to avoid their initiation and to get to the lion and their dumb alchemist in the backlines


                                      I wud buy silver edge over blink on bf jugg


                                        Alch has a radiance anyway so its a retarded escape if they smoke on u.


                                          yo op. Suggestion to improve your item build is to buy radiance. That way u can cancel am's blink away while u omnislash his family

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            1500 tower dmg is sure carrying hard yep.

                                            Sucks you got a etheral dagon bs though, that one I feel ya but hey you move on.