General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy one of my team (always) go solo and die like a stupid retard?

Why one of my team (always) go solo and die like a stupid retard? in General Discussion

    i played dota 2 since 2014, i climb from 1,8 k and now i'm ~3k, sometimes when your enemies is good and you lose is ok.. but when your team is suck, thats what makes me really upset... what i dont understand is why the hell people still do not aware of their mini map and farming obviously and die like retard, any suggestion how to deal with that? i wanna climb to 4k so bad


      Make plays to win that don't rely on teammates doing well


        If you cant win at least 70% of Your 3k games you dont belong into 4k its simple.

        We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

          ^that and also communication helps out as well. If you have better game knowledge then your teammate and want to climb up. You should always warn people what might happen and when they fail to respond accordingly. Call them out on it. It worked for me and I'm usually the highest death on team.

          We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

            Also I calibrated at like 2.3k 2 years ago and haven't taken mmr seriously until like couple months ago (almost 4.1k)