General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes good at grinding mmr

Heroes good at grinding mmr in General Discussion

    Who do i play to climb. Im not talking meta and i know skill at a hero matters, but looking at who i play and win most with, who is the bet option (fuck u jdf8 dont tell me anyone)


      I suggest void, just like how jdf8 gained mmr xD


        Seems u like tanky heroes. Try Sven. He is broken + easy to play. Just remember to stack ancients


          heros u have highest winrate with. I dont recommend spamming 1-2 heros only since u will be useless with the others if they get banned. Especially in CM mode.


            I play void and sven. SeemsGood thx guys


              pudge definitely


                Play gyro please

                casual gamer

                  slark is very good to win low skill games as well

                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                    Sven, easy farm.

                    I would say Void too, but holy shit some people can make the most poor decisions.

                    You initiate and chrono, they don't do anything, or just look at you or blink right in front AFTER you said you are going to chrono.

                    OR, they rely so much on your chrono and wait for it first that the enemy makes their move first and then your own team gathers around, making your chrono catch your entire team and only 2 of theirs.

                    Too much pressure for me, if I see a name I have played with before that did well, I pick Void.


                      Void is my best comeback hero. Won this game against 6 slotted drow and an enemy leshrac who got a rampage. Mostly cuz of chrono into deathward and a clutch butterfly purchase.



                        Slark is a toss up for me either i stomp completely or get really rekt. Any advice?

                        casual gamer

                          (in low skill games especially) you can go 8 tango + shield, add up to 3 branches for addition emergency regen. It's far better to have too much regen than too little

                          lvl 1 essence shift is insane value in trading hits with most heroes

                          in a tough lane you can go jungle at 6 with talon + raindrop

                          tread switching is absolutely vital on this hero

                          good decision making is key, you are a snowball hero who falls off quickly if you die a couple times

                          be attentive to the fact that past lvl 11, you will get stronger throughout fights as you accumulate agility

                          pretty much every game i go drop talon treads shadow blade echo silver edge, past that abyssal is standard with diffusal skadi pike bkb butterfly bthorn manta as possible extensions. you can go skadi instead of abyssal if you want to

                          always be on the lookout for solo pickoffs, but keep in mind that at low skill people will probably run around as 5 a lot. your best bet is waiting for a fight to break out and then engaging from invis from a weird angle onto squishy support heroes (aa, lion, wd, venge, cm etc). However if you see a dumbass alone dont hesitate to kill him

                          Ur ability to escape is huge. if the enemy doesnt have ground targeted stuns, ult + tp is basically god mode. jumping over walls and into fog will let you get away from almost anything. mind your shadow blade cooldown, especially before silver edge


                            Lol how the fuck did you even win that void game, they must be soooooo bad lol

                            casual gamer

                              me? the one wherei have deso is because they have no clue how to play vs a solo offlaner and i abused that to rape them

                              that account is going back and forth between me and its owner so take some of the games with a grain of salt ayy lmao


                                Necrophos isx


                                  Dude we got totally rekt, but i just got butterfly, and between the bashes on drow and her missing i just solo killed her cuz she cud barely hit me. Plus bloodlust and 2 chronos. SeemsGood


                                    @JDF8 was looking at Daddy's link, that drow must be another fuck tard who just farms and rushes into fights like a wanker lol


                                      Either this shit (i played bad too)
                                      Or this.
                                      I literally 1v4 ultra and won a solo lane against tink and cm. wtf.


                                        That leshrac was winning the game and drow was only a threat cuz of her farm.

                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                          Void is my best comeback hero. Won this game against 6 slotted drow and an enemy leshrac who got a rampage. Mostly cuz of chrono into deathward and a clutch butterfly purchase.

                                          Same for me to some extent.

                                          But then it feels like the team relies way too heavily on me, when I'm not even the core to begin with.

                                          Nero Scarlet

                                            Abbadon is always nice.


                                              necrophos, underlord and ofc the king himself omniknight.