General Discussion

General DiscussionGuys, please help me (not VHS or not predict ma ememar)

Guys, please help me (not VHS or not predict ma ememar) in General Discussion

    I have done everything i can to get good but i dont seem to be progressing. I feel like i have hit a wall and can get through no matter how hard i try. Give some advice please or if anybody willing to coach me for free i appreciate it so much.

    Im not smurfing this is my only id since i dont have internet connection i just play against bot at home.


      Seems like you're like me eh
      Played with bot so much on offline mode that when you got back you got a head start compared to your enemies
      Anyway, try to start analyzing high MMR players with Cookie's method, ask him or check his previous streams


        We should make a club of people playing only bots. I play bots like 2 times a day. Yeah try analyzing pro player pub games and when you play with bots try to get a certain last hit in 10/20/30 min. Try 60 lh in 10 min then up it but 10. The max is 82. Try challanging yourself by making the bot feed you split push all game but dont kill building till you down to 1 lane of rax. Then you try to fight them or try playing like AA mid wd mid all unsual mid hero.


          i used to play a lot of bots too but just like any other competitive game bots teached me shittons of bad habits so i rarely play the, nowadays

          so prob stop playing bots, you'll learn so much more by watching pros playing pubs and doing your own research + if you want to improve your mechanical skill a 1v0 lobby will do the same for you


            I only learnt to become an independent carry by playing bots
            Rest is from watching pros


              Err guys, OP is on VHS bracket, we're merely scrubs hahaha.


                Its not i want to play bots but i dont have enough money to play on LAN cafe since im so poor. I watch pro player stream everyday i try to do what they do as much as possible. Like looking around the map and tp when my team got ganked. I try my best but it didnt work for me.

                Do you guys believe that every player there is a limit that you will never overcome no matter how hard you try? For example if you are 5k no matter how hard you train and play you will never be a 6k since that is your limit.


                  thats actually a good question

                  honestly idk but i dont see this game to be that hard for talent to be needed, i think if u keep on working on this game on a consistent basis maybe youd be good at it

                  but ive played for almost three years and im still not good at it