General Discussion

General DiscussionBattle cup - Drafting

Battle cup - Drafting in General Discussion

    What's your staple first bans/ picks

    I feel Mirana is a solid first pick worthy, same with kunkka as both are flexible.

    Would you take the OD in the first phase?
    and/or ban it


      pick whatever and win

      Putins Price Hike

        riki. a good riki is the most annoying thing


          Od is usually a first ban material i hear. But thats in pro games im not sure what battle cup teams will draft.


            Basically anyone who is flexible in laning and pos is a possible first pick.


              Abadon maybe?

              Fee Too Pee

                ban omni first phase . that hero just too much bullshit.

                mirana is a goodf first pick material

                if u can play huskar, huskar is a very good solid last pick


                  I think stick to comfort picks you and your team can play over what is meta, I have beaten teams much better in skill/mmr than me by sticking to stuff we know we play well rather than what is 'meta'.


                    Heroes like huskar and drow r good last picks but they require a draft built around them to be optimal, and if someone was really good they could read it and counter it.

                    casual gamer

                      ban obnoxious shit like necro void and omni if ur not going to pick it

                      pick obnoxious shit like necro void and omni

                      if ur smurfing into a lower bracket slark is free wins

                      Hatsune Miku

                        first pick tide


                          facesless void, sd, slardar, riki, luna, drow