General Discussion

General DiscussionYou guys thought the report system was already shit?

You guys thought the report system was already shit? in General Discussion

    * You can no longer random in the last 10 seconds in Unranked or in the final pick per team in Ranked
    * Repicking in Unranked now behaves the same as Ranked, giving you a new random hero rather than letting you pick a hero directly
    * You will no longer have a chance of receiving the same hero after re-randoming
    * Increased report sensitivity (making it more likely that a reported user will go into low priority)


      This is gonna be fun


        Nice thread

        Giff me Wingman

          N O R M A L S K I L L wants attention B O Y S

          Yeah, Benao got low prio after first game hahahahhaa


            Thx for attention

            Giff me Wingman

              np, here is some more.

              1k D O G S H I T S H I T S T A I N, U N I N S T A L L T H E G A M E P L E A S E K T H X B Y E


                LUL Holy shit. Thats a lot.
                Btw I dont get much report anyways. Main reason for my lp is abandons

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                  Kys if u abandon u r basically the shittiest type of human on earth. U r basically wasting everyones time cuz u got ur panties in a twist or some other bs reason. I hate people who abandon.


                    Tbh i would use up all my reports in one game. I'll always report my party members for the LULZ



                      BSJ. LGD

                        reddit is so fucking retarded i dont know why valve listens to their 2k avg mmr whining all the time.
                        literally the person that got 1.7k upvotes is this fuking guy on his dumb ET. he blames the storm for intentional feeding(10 deaths vs their lineup isnt that bad). Also i suspect that he triggered the storm by saying dumb shit. He then proceeds to lose another 2 games on a shitty 4k avg game, ill probably dumpster him with techies if he got matched vs me. Its also unranked so who fucking cares. The only people who cares about unranked are 2k true skill redditors who are too casual and scared to lose their precious sub 4k mmr.

                        And he complaining he had no reports, well no shit, a toxic person as delusional as him would probably randomly report a creep. he got 4 low prios for abandoning which is super unlikely, usually if you're a good kid and abandon youll get 2. HYPOCRISY.

                        I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                          ahahaha i watched the game, stout shield soul ring rush titan with no tp scroll at 5 mins i would fucking rage feed too if i saw that

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                            dude I've legit gotten more toxic games recently and I never have reports to give out..

                            -pudge sold his items because mirana stole 1 creep and the pudge threw mirana's last game too
                            -LC jungle afk farms to throw purposely after 10 mins in because I made 3 even kill trades
                            -For some reason, guys picks windranger offlane in this patch. Gets 45 xp in 5 mins, abandons without saying a word
                            -Jungle LC's
                            -More toxic team's all around

                            I lost 350 mmr really fast cause of this, when originally I was in 4.6+ for a while


                              reddit inbreds destroying real dota.


                                /r/dota2, Daily dose of negativity.

                                mentally handicapped

                                  lmao now i cant threaten my teammates that ill random if i pick first

                                  Livin' Real Good

                                    Damn, it's basically gonna be:

                                    " if you don't have anything nice to say, and even if what you're saying is true, just don't say anything at all. That means don't flame the 0-9 toxic jungle Pudge or else."

                                    That last change sucks so much, but at least it's easier for people to get into low priority now, and if you aren't really toxic, then it shouldn't be a problem right? But those toxic players have a lot to worry about now, so I guess it's okay? I've lost like 600 MMR due to toxic players these 4 weeks, maybe this might change things.


                                      Last game some guy picked techies because he couldn't get a carry

                                      People saying it should be extremely difficult to get LP are just toxic people that are mad they aren't free to be scumbags..

                                      死の恐怖 Haseo

                                        I reported every lc jungle in my team


                                          I don't understand why some intern in Valve thinks he has to satisfy every wish of some random whiny 2ks that probably are as toxic as the people they report.
                                          And I'm pretty sure making normal MM less casual fucks with the economy.


                                            You have to take responsibility guys remember If your pudge goes mid and feeds from minute 1.
                                            It is all your fault, there is actually nothing he could do about it

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