General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does "TrueSight Data Overview" work? Is it checked by people?

How does "TrueSight Data Overview" work? Is it checked by people? in General Discussion

    Any idea what is included for rating? Just curious, I saw a guy, decent gpm, xpm, KDA..pretty much everything but his rating was F and he was in normal skill tho, lol.
    Also is it checked by people, workers? I noticed it is not in every match..basically pretty random?

    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      If 1 person out of the 10 in a game has dbuff+, you can get a ton of info.

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          some random matches (mostly high mmr ones), matches with db+/verified players in them, and esports matches are being analysed with the truesight.
          so, you are likely to have a higher grade if you are at a high mmr, or db+ user.


            The grade is on data quality boi. Not on how good u r. Basically how many matches were actualy analyzed.