General Discussion

General Discussionreddit is so dumb

reddit is so dumb in General Discussion

    1k upvotes on the post asking to make dota 2=reports of the ancients 2 again. in the first place people were obviously reporting spamming everytime they see something they dont like, which is quite fun to put people in low prio. Even i abused it, but it had to be changed. If you actually noticed, no one dared type anything in the chat which is unrelated to the game in that period of time just to dodge low prio. You can get muted/low prio for anything.

    Anyways, in the thread they keep saying they dont get report back+ not enough reports per week or some shit. I can confidently say if you falsely report someone just because he picks techies/jungle lc you're not gonna get reports back. Again, you cant expect to get reports back on just the fact it passed during ROTA2 because everyone was false reporting.

    Recently, the only reason i got into low prio was beacause i taunted the shitty smurfs saying "hurr durr u guys prolly have no reports left huehuehue this was when they stole my lane and then i picked tiny to toss them into the enemy" but i was wrong rofl. and got 8 reports and low prio (probably some of them from my techies spam). Hell just look at benao and bogi, they actually managed to get in low prio after the nerf too which is quite hilarious.

    anyways you get 1 report per 1 conduct summary, and i got 2 if i dont use the first one. How do i know this? Well i spammed 20 bot matches in a day, and checked my reports to confirm my hypothesis. i then used them on a person that pushed me into the fountain in a bot game because i dont give a shit. did i get the report back? nein. because it is a false report. did it feel good? yes. One of the top upvoted comment was "volvo should make reports received based on number of games durrrrrrr" it already is you shitstain casual. Valve's reasoning for 1 report per 10 games? well if you dont abuse reports, according to a valve psychologist: 8% of people are in low prio, so fuking obviously 1 report per 10 games is good enough provided you dont abuse them.

    Also i logged into my smurf that hasnt been on for ages and it has 0 reports to be used. obviously if the shitstain 0 mmr shitkid ward bitches in reddit that play only once a week that get 2 reports per week will falsely report anyone on the weekend just to spite people.

    anyways im fine with them making it reports of the ancient 2 again because i am a low prio dodging king and a report tycoon and i want to spite people. you dont want that right? it would become league of lesbians where people get a 24 hour mute for all chatting "nerd" hell they even perm ban people.

    Source: me


      i wish that people who gameruin by stealing safelane and not getting farm or using mass fuckup ultis like chrono or siren song to enemys advantage would get low prio if you report them though......

      Potato Marshal

        I miss how when I was playing in US East, I got back almost every report I made since everybody reported everybody else. Here in SEA, I almost never get reports back, but on the flip side, I have been getting a lot more commends.


          Here in SEA, I almost never get reports back, but on the flip side, I have been getting a lot more commends.



            I think peoples that get more than 5 Reports in 1 game should be banned from ranked for 1Month. No kappa

            Potato Marshal

              Yeah, almost every game people ask to swap commends on SEA. I rarely give commends. To this day, I still don't know if there's a limit to the amount of commends you can give like it is with reports.

              BSJ. LGD

                my low prio was from unranked, so banning from ranked doesnt do anything
                low prio is already a sufficient punishment. even more so if you cant win games