General Discussion

General DiscussionThrowing games ob purpose

Throwing games ob purpose in General Discussion
    I lost this game on purpose After i saw spectre Profile and saw him skilling Dispersion First. Are you Proud of me!? I mean i Ruined a smurfs Day


      congrats, +++karma earned today, go eat yer cookies with milk, gn, cu, hf, gl


        well thats a bad reason to throw a game.

        i only throw when people do stupid shit like i do a clutch multi-player blackhole and ET doesn't pop his ulti on them and instead just runs away


          eh, had a game as sven where necro was mad, came to my lane to take creeps, fed, mid had treads linkens 30 min in, offlane was pheonix with midas, and a lc jungle. Sold items to get myself a nice pretty rapier.


            I don't throw games, I make people throw games.


              Im tne tryhard who says a big fuck u and trys to 3v7 dota. Ive only done it a couple times, but only after the eventual abandon.


                Only satisfaction from throwing is to see some all caps rage lmfao

                I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                  The dynasty approves


                    You must throw to teach your teammates a lesson. If they use courier while I'm delivering my items, that's a throw.