General Discussion

General Discussioninvoker or meepo ?

invoker or meepo ? in General Discussion

    which is more difficult to learn ? my memory suck , i only able to rmb 4-5 skill of ivk hotkey , any tips to memories the skill?


      I guess it depends on the person and what they find more difficult.
      My tip to play Invoker like a noob: Keep Alacrity and Cold Snap permanently invoked and go the Clueless Rightclick Invoker Build.
      My tip to playing Meepo like a noob: keep all your meepos selected and treat them like a single unit. Go for some clueless righclick build. (If possible have and alchemist on your team gift you an aghs before 15 minutes. The just a-click down mid and you have a decent chance of winning provided you're in 2K)


        meepo is more difficult

        死の恐怖 Haseo

          Meepo 1000× harder than invoker

          Giff me Wingman

            meepo is harder.


              omg , 1000x harder than ivk ... i tot both almost similar difficulty... i only hv time to learn 1 of them , so it's better to learn easier or harder 1 ? meepo or ivk ?

              Hanamichi Sakuragi

                tbh, Invoker is harder to learn, and Meepo is easier to learn.
                They are both hard to master though.


                  any advise , ivk or meepo to learn ? sure its hard to master ... thats y i nvr play this 2 heroes which required more skill and muscle memory... now its time to learn some new hero so game wont be bored .... gonna train with ai n overthrow first ... too bad no meepo in overthrow

                  Nina Dobriv

                    Use quick cast for both heroes and thank me later :)


                      Meepp is harder to master than invoker but it takes simmilar amount of games to play both decently. So u gonna need like at least 100-150 games to play at least correctly.

                      死の恐怖 Haseo

                        My invo winrate 10× my meepo winrate LUL



                          Mary Poppins

                            It's not the same difficulty you can't compare meepo and invoker. Invoker is not hard because you need to remember spell, but because you need to use them effectively.


                              I remember someone say that meepo is all about muscle memory


                                Merpeh ia hurr durr

                                But for real, if you mess up your combo on voker nothim happens

                                If you mess somethin up on meep meep, you lose


                                  Invoker takes more learning but meepo takes more concentration during the game.


                                    meepo must take a lot of practice to learn even the lowest level of actually playing meepo. because you must efficiently farm jungle and also your lane with multiple meepo without ever dieing.

                                    while even 2ks can play invoker by spamming cold snap, sunstrike and the summons.

                                    so you could say skill floor on meepo is way higher than invoker, imo


                                      both are easy idk

                                      Espresso yoself.

                                        Also every 2k player knows that picking meepo means instant wins in that bracket, "oh look meepo, (picks ES and Lich) Ez25 hurr durr. While I was bracketing up, from 1k to 3 I pretty much acted like meepo and invoker players were going to be liabilities, and it functioned well for me, at about 2.5 I started finally seeing a few invokers with some skill, and still no meepo that wasn't an instant feed fest.


                                          Sniper is hardest hero


                                            Ive played with meepos in the shit tier but all they know is blink poof. The only reason they win is cuz no one in shit tier knows what tf to do against meep


                                              Invoker is easier. Tho for me i know all the skills but in the late game knowing when and where to use each skill, invoking them (i often times panic invoke some random shit i dont need), and using them correctly all around the relatively long cooldown on his bigger spells takes a while to master. The basics of laning and jungling with forge spirits and using them with coldsnap and sunstriking a stunned hero isnt as hard, thats more ur skill as a player.


                                                Feel like both heroes are difficult in different ways. Invoker isn't punished too hard if u suck now. But it's difficult to learn to play optimally because of the many different things u can do with the hero. Meepo is more straight forward but hard to execute and easy to punish.