General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy you so blue Drow Ranger?

Why you so blue Drow Ranger? in General Discussion

    Dota is so nice and complex game, not yet stop fascinating me, game with highest skill cap eva.

    Tell me you guys with blue star or so, can you try specific differences between 2k and 5k its like life on earth vs mars i guess.How you would rate your skill in game how much work was it? I bealive 5k is mean something actually like you can still pro one day?

    Also just wanna say Dendi will leave Navi soon.

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    Pale Mannie

      i blustar and yu iz skrub fite me


        What does Drow have to do with this?


          Also your guess is pretty bad. 5k is not great at all and 5k doesn't mean that you have good chance of becoming a pro lol.


            I mean it's not great but its k


              i agree, 5k is quite trash


                to be honest, when i think about it, like almost all of my games are just me playing casually

                i haven't put much effort into this game at all, only a couple of months where i actually did some analysis made the difference

                it took me only a 1.5 years to go from 1-2k to 4-5k

                and i didn't tryhard for a 1.5 years, i literally did like some analysis once every 3-4 months

                i'm just naturally gifted at analysis

                so like a tiny amount that i did gave great results.

                and tbh, even i know im fundamentally bad at this game

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                  He said 5k is trash :D lul i dont wanna know what im, but who cares i having fun😊


                    But anyway when you see numbers there are not that much players 5k+ compare to lower, its actually huge difference


                      you can, no joke, if you're super tryhard get from 1k to 5k in in like 3 months.

                      i won't lie, the stuff i know isn't rocket science, it's all simple reasoning any other human being can get to

                      dota that isn't at the pro level requires almost no skill

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                      Dire Wolf

                        5k is only trash to those who are higher than 5k. 5k is like top 1.5% of dota players in reality and extremely good.


                        But pro level? I mean you're literally comparing something like elite high school and college athletes to pros. That's the difference. Pros are like top 0.1%. And a lot of being a pro is the connections and teamwork not just mmr.

                        casual gamer

                          im pretty sure the main difference between lower and 5k is just efficiency/taking only smart fights

                          at least for me. mechanically im fuckign awful at dota


                            im pretty sure the main difference between lower and 5k is the realization that you shouldn't be sitting on full mana for the starting 5 minutes(happens too much in 2k) and that you can bring regen from base.


                              Also did you feel boys satisfied when get 5k? I wondering for example you Cookie, do you still work hard and try to get 6k? I know you boosting acc but i dont bealive that can make you happy....


                                which is worst i found myself mechanically very very good
                                seems my decisions are fucking

                                casual gamer

                                  i was very happy when i hit 5k bc i had been 4k for at least 1 yr/2 yrs

                                  i was happier when i immediately propelled to 5300 and didnt have to worry about dropping


                                    yea but u can drop very easy ....still... but u dont stop picking op void fuck u bbitch


                                      Good way to put it is like mars n earth. 2k and 3k is already worlds apart. This game is so tough it's unbelievable


                                        Yeah i used to play cs1.6 for like 10 years lul .....also cod2 competive, Dota is nothing about luck thats make that game so much competive and balanced compere to any other game i loved even im 2k and ppl here always said 2ktrash, i feel as higher mmr but the reality is just like that.....does anyhone know how is it to compare australia server vs eu?


                                          Have u tried SEA? It is a good place to grind mmr. U learn how to be a real team player here.

                                          2k is slightly below avg. so while not totally trash, there's a lot u can do to easily improve at this bracket


                                            4K below is totally trash


                                              i think every1 would like to enjoy game ,its only happen when you don't feel ur team noob ( all same skill level)
                                              but i don't think i reach the evironment yet .... many noobs and thrower in current mmr
                                              I feel like when 3k players playing 2k game ... damn frustrating...


                                                6k will said 5k is trash~
                                                5k will said 4k is trash~
                                                4k will said 3k is trash~
                                                3k will said 2k is trash~
                                                2k will said 1k is trash~
                                                1k will said anything below is trash~

                                                So the question come~
                                                What will 8k said to we all?


                                                  What will our English teacher tell us?
                                                  But the real question is ...
                                                  what will the 0k people tell us? *kappas out


                                                    One does not answer the REAL question so easily....

                                                    Will they said~

                                                    'We are the God of this realm that non of you will be able to reach here within your lifetime"~

                                                    or there is just an empty void that connected to another universe that is complete nothingness and will adsorb everything to become one of it....

                                                    We will never know the real answer...

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                                                      nc bait thread.
                                                      anyway my drow not fully blue cuz shes wearing madness

                                                      Putins Price Hike

                                                        drow is undead that is why she is blue


                                                          well she's just gloomy cause her parents were murdered :(((( and she felt distanced from her troll foster family.

                                                          strange she doesn't speak to huskar or troll warlord isn't it?

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                                                            Coz she is trash.


                                                              Blue is the new Black.


                                                                5k aren't exactly that good to be honest
                                                                they just play how dota is supposed to be played and are quite consistent (aka doesnt do stupid shits once every 5 minutes like I do)