General Discussion

General DiscussionTransitioning from mid 5k to 6k

Transitioning from mid 5k to 6k in General Discussion

    Hey guys,

    I'm making this topic to hopefully get some advice from the top tier dota players.

    I've been playing dota for just over 3 years, I hit 5k mmr the second year in since then I've slowed down the amount of solo ranked by quite a bit. It's now at the point where I feel like i'm ready to turn up the heat and see where I am after focusing more on playing solo games.

    In other people's experience with this transition what is the best way to pace yourself?how many games should I be playing a day? How should I make sure to keep a healthy mindset etc..

    Yours thoughts are appriciated greatly.

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      stop being so godamn uselessly versatile

      pick a 2-3 heroes and master them

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        thats some really important thread :d

        some ppl say it might help to start playing amateur leagues/tournaments, cz it teaches you to win games, but it didnt help me


          i think i played with u at some point
          can u check it (u got plus as far as i see)? im curious


            I think you should play like 8 games a day and be satisfied winning 5, and aiming for 6

            aaaaand since games are won by the offlane pick safe heroes like nyx, master them and profit!


              Oh i see, I feel like I would run the risk of becoming a 1 trick then, i'm happy to pick the same thing 4 or 5 times in a row if it's strong and fits the game type, But i'm not keen on spamming something for long periods of time even if it might deliver faster results.


                do you want higher mmr or not?

                it's the fastest method to learn, since after you master those heroes; the things/mistakes that are non-hero related will be easier to identify and learn.


                  I have checked and supposedly we haven't played together, Which is odd because your name does seems very familiar.

                  Thank you I will try to push my team into doing more esl weekly, JDL etc.


                    Well i've been at 5k solo for a long time, I don't want to sound like a raging pleb but I feel like I have the ability to achieve 6k and I haven't been lazy this last year. I've been playing hard games, learning from them, first picking shit many times in a row and getting punished etc.. So I feel like everythings there, I just need to play a lot now. I'm more asking about the best methods to keep your mindset healthy and focus on winning if that makes sense


                      i mute half my teammates and just listen to music every game, lets me concentrate


                        @TripleSteal- how come it didn't help you? Do you have any thoughts as to why?


                          how did u nearly win against kaipi as 5k average stack, despite picking techies? thats amazing.


                            What Do you guys think about heros that dont need to be Mastered? Like im going to Spam lich now maybe.


                              cz im a bad player without any ambitions


                                lich and omni
                                u need to understand what you are supposed to do tho, cz if u dont, u just wont have any impact. they dont require mechanical skill, but u still need to understand the game.


                                  lmao yeah that was a very close game, I think our biggest weapon was they underestimated us massively from the start.

                                  They assumed we were retarded with the techcies pick, unfortuntely for them our offlaner is one of the best techies in the world and kept baiting cancel into his mines and killing him slowing down the rate at which they could take the map from us.

                                  In fact they made so many poor decisions in terms of rotations and ganks which i'm sure all came down to the suprise that we weren't actually terrible players. Sadly they did have a lot of map control, and techies losses his effect when the enemy is choosing where to fight.

                                  I think spamming lich as part of an aggressive dual lane is perfectly viable. Make sure you have a good core who knows how to use the space and you should be golden ^^


                                    For me I reduced my hero pool/role quite a bit to get to 6k. I didn't spam 1 hero or anything but although I could comfortably hold mid 5k playing pretty much any mid/carry to get to 6k I had to focus down on a couple of heroes that were at least decent in the meta. You can always focus on widening your hero pool against better opponents in harder games once you are already 6k. I actually initially spammed troll/jugg in 6.83 all the way to 5.4k from 4.3 or something awful, I think the best way to improve tends to be spam until mmr improvement -> take break and focus on playing more games at new mmr -> lose a bit short term but long term you should float around your new 'boosted' mmr -> head back to spamming again.

                                    Also I stopped playing whenever I lost a couple in a row. Queueing while tilted is never going to result in a good experience.

                                    I don't recommend muting people unless you are hopelessly toxic as you can greatly boost your team by making good calls and even morale wise by making jokes and shit.

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                                      Win 1 more game than you lose per day, it will take you 40 days to raise 1k mmr. Some days it will take you 1 game a day, some times 3, some times 5.

                                      I maintained that for 10 days and I raised 250 mmr. After that I got too lazy but system was working quite nice.

                                      disgusting weebs

                                        ^that's a horrible system imo idk how can u even climb with that

                                        i've tried that and u have to play a lot + u tilt extremely fast(even faster than ppl usually do when they play a lot), if u get a lose streak u're going to drop like mad
                                        with that system u have to play more when u're tilted and less when u're actually in a condition to win pts(i.e. sometimes u may get a fast 30 min win and u'll have to call it a day even though u're in the mood for more)

                                        the one that worked best for me is actually the opposite - if lose 2 games in one day, i call it quits, unless i win 3+ games in a row(so that even if i lose 2 immediately after that i'll at least break even)
                                        it doesn't let u tilt and lose hundreds of pts in one day and it encourages u to play when u feel like it
                                        worst case scenario is u just losing 50 pts every day but i'm pretty sure that in that case u'd lose a lot more if u continued playing tilted

                                        then again i didn't achieve anything with whatever system i used so maybe i'm doing it wrong

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                                          I think Best System is to play as much games as possible and win all.


                                            I play until I lose then I take a break like go eat dinner or watch some videos or whatever then I continue. I play around 5-8 games a day this way but the break after the loss really helps reset your mood because when I lose I'm usually tilted by a team mate or angry or whatever so I try to reset to being happy during my break and then I continue. I used to never take breaks and I'll lose like 5 games in a row -______-


                                              the guy with the anime character has the same attitude as S4(at least for the things I have read).
                                              His motto is play ranked until you lose your first game or you are tired of playing, then do something else to take your mind of dota or play unranked.

                                              His argumentation is that after a loss there will be blaming/guilt trip for the loss because someone has to be made responsible for the loss what can lead to lower concentration during the game and a higher chance of losing another game.

                                              I personally play until I see that I am less concentrated on the win, then I just stop playing.


                                                Imteresting to read


                                                  Yes man your point is correct, but I had some other rules, for example if I win the first game of the day I keep playing untill I lose (unless i lose the second and then I win the third, I'd stop there), some days I had 5 win streaks and I wanted to lose just to stop playing. And if I started losing I would play untill I get that win over loss unless I already lost 75 mmr, never lose 100 mmr in 1 day but gain as much as you can (so the goal is +25 per day, but limits are -75 or +whatever). And thats pretty much about it, the reality is that I had 2 days losing 3 games in a row and for other reasons I stoped playing daily, and I lost the track on my progress, but I did this "system" for about 2 weeks since I reached 5k (13th sept) I raised 400 mmr which was 100 mmr short from the goal (due to the loss streak mostly). Not saying its the best nor it can work for anyone, but mb you can try if you tweak it a bit with some extra rules.

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