General Discussion

General Discussionhurricane pike slark is so fun

hurricane pike slark is so fun in General Discussion
casual gamer

    try it in unranked or something lol. the extra mobility is super fun to play around with, especially since it goes through silence


      U still go sb?


        It does sound pretty legit. The guy with 10,000 slark matches says he likes it on slark.

        I suppose it'd be nice for those games where the enemy team has so much mobility and you find it really hard to weave in and out of fights.

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        casual gamer

          u go

          sb echo silver edge dlance pike

          i think

          with ofc talon raindrop

          it does nothing vs enemy bkb, doesnt help you manfight or survive nuke like epi/finger but its fun as fuck


            So it's kinda like having a blink dagger too right? Except stats

            casual gamer

              ye a bit

              mostly though u can burn pounce and use pike defensively or to chase


                Rnt u mad squishy tho? One stun and ur dead.

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                  dead inside

                    My slark bought hurricane pike in hundreds matches, i guess it works very well