General Discussion

General Discussionhardlane slark

hardlane slark in General Discussion

    In pubs quite often i find myslef playing slark in a solo lane against an aggressive offlane (or being forced to offlane yourself). Im not sure how should i approach this and i have a few questions.

    How many lasthits should i get in 10 minites while playing safe? Is best itemisation pms treads and iron talon so i can rotate through jungle and splitpush my way to stronger items?


      yes PMS talon
      probably 50 and applies to most core heroes


        buy infused drops for mana regen(dont go aquila)
        so pms, talon, treads, infused then go jungle jam
        around 60 lh by 10 min is fine


          yea but its not that easy to get 60 against a dual lane especially if they're ranged. note that im playing slark on this account not the OP one

          mentally handicapped

            wtf i thought these two accounts belonged to the same guy

            mentally handicapped

              wtf they are the same dude i just read the comment well

              fuck me right


                omg huffy hao did u reich very hy skeel


                  Op, really likes dem pentagram looking avatars

                  mentally handicapped

                    i suk gaben dik hard and well, i let him aladeen inside


                      offlane slark should get about 30 lh at 10 mins. get 6 and go jungle.

                      haven't played with haffy yet, but from the nonsense he says, quite sure he is a scrub and bought that smurf.

                      mentally handicapped

                        jacked stop saying my secrets u lil shit

                        you said the deal was only between us


                          And thus the drama begins!