General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat kind of Hero are you?

What kind of Hero are you? in General Discussion

    you are 1 year late

    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      I want to see everyone's thing, despite the 1 year late :sad:


        Holy shit i remembered doing this when it first came out. If im not mistaken i got critical striker(not sure abt the name but something like that).Oh the memories #makeDB_great_again


          I got critical striker

          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            Ooooh very cool. Thank you for sharing, guys!

            I am wondering if there are people who have 4 or 5 under "Humility" and/or Agression lool

            This test is super neat though.

            Wish it had a little more varity, and more questions.


              The Dota Knight

              You try to be a good person, but the truth is everyone on your team finds you insufferable. It's not that they aren't listening to you; it's that they already muted you after 2 minutes in.

              Be honest… at times you can be a micromanager. Sometimes you are a bit too detailed oriented for simple pubs to understand. One of your weaknesses is adaptability to unexpected situations, but when things do go as you planned it is masterful.

              The real benefit of having you on the team is that sometimes the enemy hates you just as much as your teammates. If you can troll them enough to plant a seed of despair we may just win this game.

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                Do you get muted a lot, Marlan? lol
                : )


                  idk nobody ever tells me

                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                    People tell me all the time. Like when I buy a Jakiro-player wards, and tell him where to ward against a Tinker-player, then I wait a few minutes for wards to restock because the Jakiro literally ignored me and even told me it was a 'bad idea'. So I buy the next set of wards myself, place them in those very situational places, and we end up killing him 3 times in a row, one on Radiant offlane, and twice on Radiant safelane.

                    I then kindly tell the ignorant and stubborn Jakiro "See that, Jakiro? If you had warded there x minutes ago, we would have gotten this pesky Tinker even more. It's not a 'bad idea' or 'too early' when we do not have Tier 2 Towers."

                    Then he proceeded with a "You know what? Muted."

                    Fun part is winning the game and getting 3 commends and 1 report. :smile:



                      The Humble Support

                      Your sacrificial -

                      stopped there and lul'd - am a techies picker



                        ayy lmao i think i got wise thinker a few years back but rewinding to that i was a complete moron back then ROFL


                          i am visage