General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
死の恐怖 Haseo

    failed to win with my signature hero


      QoP, tinker, invoker and lina on the same team, seems legit.. :laugh2:


        So close yet so far


          Have you tried calling for rosh? No one ever tries to take rosh in this bracket


            Qop and lina randomed , im just trolling if someone in my team trigger me . jungle tinker iz da bez


              1st ld game in 6month
              Mid pudge btw


                When will invoker stop being so popular




                    Or when I get 3k


                      I might go insane soon


                        If you go insane you might be insanity

                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                          When will invoker stop being so popular

                          n e v e r


                            He is 45% wr


                              life sucks


                                WE MUST NOT LOST TO AYY LMAO

                                死の恐怖 Haseo

                                  this thread is already dead long ago .....


                                    So I asked if there is someone who plays dota while listening to songs on youtube or the like?
                                    Because I love to play dota while listening to songs and songs that are very special,
                                    For example, if I play and I genk, I listen to sad songs, sometimes make me think to play better than others


                                      [03/08, 18:58] Niggy: When i was a baby
                                      [03/08, 18:59] Niggy: I was given an eq test
                                      [03/08, 18:59] Niggy: And the result


                                        Genk nid skells


                                          Tfw someone talked about a beatiful student who got gangbanged by a bunch of construction worker when going home from uni and had to marry the ugly af construction worker leader, and the only thing that across in my mind is whats her name for fap material
                                          Tfw someone talked about a beatiful student who got gangbanged by a bunch of construction worker when going home from uni and had to marry the ugly af construction worker leader, and the only thing that across in my mind is whats her name for fap material
                                          Tfw someone talked about a beatiful student who got gangbanged by a bunch of construction worker when going home from uni and had to marry the ugly af construction worker leader, and the only thing that across in my mind is whats her name for fap material
                                          Tfw someone talked about a beatiful student who got gangbanged by a bunch of construction worker when going home from uni and had to marry the ugly af construction worker leader, and the only thing that across in my mind is whats her name for fap material
                                          Tfw someone talked about a beatiful student who got gangbanged by a bunch of construction worker when going home from uni and had to marry the ugly af construction worker leader, and the only thing that across in my mind is whats her name for fap material

                                          pls dont let the celtikkk...

                                            Offlane is actually so easy what the hell have I been doing all this time


                                              Offlane is hard


                                                Clemont join our wa group


                                                  yo, INT RANKED now?


                                                    fuk this game


                                                      I'm free from the chains

                                                      pls dont let the celtikkk...

                                                        Tablet not compatible with wa ResidentSleeper


                                                          Do you have handphone or number? If you have one then you can use wa

                                                          pls dont let the celtikkk...

                                                            Lc jungle and roaming earth spirit happened

                                                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                              my team stick as 5 and enemy keep dying 1 by 1 at 20min roflmao

                                                              meteor hammer

                                                                enemy keep dying 1 by 1 at 20min roflmao



                                                                  who the fuck picks techies in ranked this close to 4k. lol


                                                                    I just got rekt by a fuckin goon stack bc i panicked and picked safelane ember against tanky af all strength heroes


                                                                      Btw jacked u my superior rn lol so gimmi some knowledge on what happened to u during 3.4 to 3.9 and if u arent analysing and stuff are u just playin dota or u watch n learn or smth?

                                                                      死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                        who the fuck picks techies in ranked this close to 4k. lol

                                                                        idc mmr . u take my hero i pick techies ez


                                                                          LUL. ppl need to stop first picking invoker.

                                                                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                            idc i play for fun


                                                                              it just happened bro. it happened really quick. like 65%+ winrate just spamming heroes i was good at. then i started to play PA ROFL


                                                                                it combination of luck, good form, playing heroes you understand and knowing how to win those games.

                                                                                死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                  well i might go insane soon too


                                                                                    if you keep picking techies you wil ldefinitely go insane


                                                                                      Sad, OG lost


                                                                                        No sleep ez even on a school day.

                                                                                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                          go sleep dude . don't sleep in class krappa


                                                                                            I'm awake

                                                                                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                              why does int rank feels so ez compared to normal rank


                                                                                                No it's not >:(


                                                                                                  Int ranked is bollocks