General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    Tis I, 200 ping SEA pubstomper God, and thou ought to worship my skill.

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      yo has there been any update in the last 8 hours?

      mr. rabbit



          Spamming AM in 2017...


            fok yo FOK YOOO that jug loss to am i felt so triggered. i won the lane, the fights, everything, got rosh, fast pushed with team, and yet the fuckin am took our towers 1 by 1 till there was nothing left. if we tped back we wouldntve pushed if we didnt we would get raxed dptjirdoyhjdhtdujytciyucti


              I don't understand what goes thru the minds of some of the autists I play with who last pick spectre when we have an am, bb, mirana, and I'm offlane sk. why? or the last pick luna when I picked bb mid, the whole team was the heaviest team ive ever played with, the legion didn't even buy blademail when behind against pa. I'm not even saying I didn't fuck up, but ffs, I wud tell them not to do something obviously retarded and they wud do it anyway, and we wud lose. gg kmn bois.


                This happens at all levels raj

                Ryan Gosling Fan

                  Wow a smurf losing multiple games in 3 digit mmr. Thats some great stuff right Here.

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    Dota have reclaim it's thread from SV,Congrats

                    mr. rabbit

                      thats cuz i didnt get exciting legends in SV

                      damn it! *cries in the corner*

                      mr. rabbit

                        feels good when u trash ur 300 gpm slark next game cuz u know how shit he is LOL

                        mr. rabbit


                          he was the slark, im the sb obv


                          now he plays invoker, i gank him mid 999 times until he rage quits LOL

                          Este comentário foi editado


                              pretty sure u can get 300 gpm by afking base but not dcing


                                Once had a game like that too. Nothing more satisfying than beating a deadweight in your team the next game


                                  And trash talk him the entire time


                                    yo screwing with enemy team in all chat is too good to miss xD

                                    just kill their cor, pick sky go mid spam q till u empty go to ur offlane do the same type "?" a lot and when u kill someone type "nice team", "wow the tp rotations", "rofl u are such a retard". ik it's unhuman but it works rofl

                                    mr. rabbit

                                      hey jo can u link me ur new aggro shadow deck i want to edit my decks just so they stay updated

                                      mr. rabbit

                                        pretty sure that guy was already tilted before he played slark, the tilt just overcame him when i just wouldnt leave him alone mid from 00:00 LMAOAOAMOALAOLMAO

                                        he was a toxic little fuck so he kinda deserved it. i feel no remorse over what i have done

                                        Este comentário foi editado


                                            no balls gg


                                     LOST TO AM
                                     LOST TO AM
                                     WON AS AM
                                              FUCK META IM SPAMMING AM

                                              educational material

                                              mr. rabbit

                                                CONGRATS ON MASTER VOHI!!!1111one


                                                  took awhile xD


                                                    anw heres the deck, i dont play aggro shadow anymore, this is midrange, much better machups IMO against forest (death breath cucks it) and haven (high ability to rebuild board) while still being decent against dragon and shadow (also much less skewed matchup going second). its copied from the top 1 master player fririn, his deck uses 3 hectors, one of which i replaced with orthus cos im poor

                                                    mr. rabbit

                                                      just as i thought aggro shadow is D E A D

                                                      from what i saw from my TOTG packs most of the new shadow cards makes shadow a much better midrange deck


                                                        aggro shadow is still ok, 2nd highest winrate archetype at the moment, but midrange is higher
                                                        right now shadow overall has 55% winrate in ladder @ masters

                                                        mr. rabbit

                                                          so does aggro shadow still play almost the same deck? i kinda wanna play something im comfortable with before moving to something completely new

                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                            fuck lol i skip one expansion and i feel like i know nothing about this game anymore xd

                                                            mr. rabbit

                                                              by the way...

                                                              TF2 IN 2017 LUUULLULULUL


                                                                aggro shadow still plays the phantom howl shit, but u include prince catacomb, situational soulsquasher, also orthrus

                                                                mr. rabbit

                                                                  btw what happened to haven


                                                                    kys kys kys sv ffs ffs ffs


                                                                      Haven became cancer


                                                                        for some reason during my final 2.5k points climb i did today, i met really little haven.. like two? from what i feel aggro shadow gets really shut down by haven, if manage to draw their answers to you you might just lose outright. midrange shadow doesnt run out of steam as easily and you can come back easily from board wipes. Recently mirange shadow have become much more popular than aggro and that has probably made haven players get less of their free wins so lesser haven players i guess. A game i hard earlier i kept refilling the board even after 2x themis, then on t9 i just deathbreath + prince catacomb, enemy insta concede


                                                                          Hey guys wanna party with me? I wanna try ta in general and the 1k gpm ta build


                                                                            I can play in a a hour


                                                                              I can play in about 4 hours

                                                                              mr. rabbit

                                                                                i guess ill try to experiment a bit with aggro shadow, im in a2 anyway not that high not that low so maybe 2nd rate decks can still work

                                                                                btw seems like my play time's changed from here on out, for some reason my bro wakes up rly early every day, like wtf this guy used to wake up at 10am now he wakes up at 4am??? anyway seems i cant do morning queues anymore so im pretty much stuck queueing around 12pm-4pm

                                                                                BSJ. LGD

                                                                                  now what? LUL


                                                                                    Now my tests are done and I'm free for 3 months but I'm still too lazy to touch dota


                                                                                      Call me johann now i cen use my inactivity as an excuse to my stagnation

                                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                        finally get two days to test the waters (came at great personal cost) of my rapidly decreasing skill and i lose 2 solo games in a row. man i got no excuse for losing literally everything is about me worse now. i was bad before bit fuck im playing like im playing on high ping, when im playing on avg ping with only a few lags

                                                                                        jesus christ im bad. im fucking scared of going back to solo queue now. played party games randomed all of em good shit in general is this what will happen to me? left to playing party games because i know ill lose in solo queue?

                                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                          wait except that nyx game. i wanted to especially fuck od up but he was able to comeback bcs i didnt play my cards right xd


                                                                                            Haffy you're breaking my heart

                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              im the type of player that gets better over the course of playing a lot of game in a row, or in a larger perspective, playing on consecutive days on a row. i cant continue like this fuck me

                                                                                              at least i can play earth spirit on quick cast ez im the next jer ax


                                                                                                can u fuckin stop changing that fuckin name+avatar

                                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                  man what can i do ive been playing paladins a lot lately since the games are about 10 minutes long and i can actually feel like im good at a game contrary to me playing in dota. ive even been hanging around in paladins discord just so i can hide from the pain of being dogshit at dota and think im good cuz i got 4k compe rating and climbing

                                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                    how about your climb koala man hows the introspection and analysis working for you?