General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

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      2more day wo dota boys. Cant w8 to get 3k xd


        If u change ur normal playstyle u gonna go on losing streak trust me! Play unranked while changong playstyle and dont get triggered


          Last time I played pubs on this acc its filled with papa smurfs
          So no I'll stick to being a chines furmer

          doc joferlyn simp

            incoming ban for renshin

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                >claimed as chinese farmer
                >didnot play alch

                doc joferlyn simp

                  changing profile to skim is sexist SeemsGood


                    WIN RATE


                      Most of them are pubs so theyre irrelevant kappa123

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                        doc joferlyn simp

                          anyone want to learn pudge? im so good at rot harassing that i can win even with shit hooks


                            Today someone punch me in the face(fucking weak subhuman cannot even make me pass out). My classmate told the incident to the teacher. He got suspension for 1 week. That 1 week is going to the final examination week. If you get suspension you cannot take any exams or quiz. That mean he will stay at the grade he is.
                            Fucking ez got reckt noobshit.
                            We need to response with "kindness" when someone did bad thing to us xddd

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                              Anyone wanna learn spiritbreaker? Im so good at pressing Q that i can win even if i cant press R after


                                Adrian and yves have seen my pudge
                                Legend says that's the last seatard stack game he ever had......


                                  Why did he punch you in the dick? Can u still make babies?

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    lil shit wussing out and telling teacher, shamefur dispray as a man tsk tsk


                                      But is it better than baiting your opponent into fighting you and making you look like a victim infront of your teacher?
                                      I'd rather be a pu55y than a psychotic jerk
                                      I'm the latter sadly


                                        I fucking had revenge. School will now considerate him because of his bad behavior


                                          Oh and he need to pay about $200usd for my xray and check up


                                            He need to play another $300 to replace my glasses with a new one

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                                              Plot twist = now that he have shitton of free time he'd git gud at dota and win TEA EYE SVEN then hires you as his butler


                                                Considering that you're an asshole I wasn't suprised that you got punched in the face and don't have any friend


                                                  Sometimes using your brain is better than using your fist.
                                                  Nah man he dont even had money for a laptop or pc
                                                  I was just fucking joking about friend. I was predicting that he loss the poker game and it happened because he is a fucking dumbass. Then at the end i told him that i was right and he punch me in the face. Hes a retard subhuman who dont see plans within my plans within plans. I actually had a lot of friend and he was a loner actually xddd

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                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    i smell a 1v1 to settle assholes' disputes


                                                      Being a nice guy won't win you a 1v1 match sadly
                                                      Oh well


                                                        I lose to haffy and alice 1v1 sf both with 20+ more cs than them while fx just shits on me on every aspect LUL

                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                          i mean, i can see a way of still walking away with dignity intact and still get the teachers' intervention

                                                          after he punches you punch him as well and fight to your manly hearts' content, so that you wont be remembered as a puss.y. after that even if you lose/win dont let anyone tell the teacher. instead, show off your bruises to your family so that they will ask what happened and contact the administration themselves, and technically you didnt be a tattletale

                                                          i did that and things are great for me lmao

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            get buttfucked by a 2k shitter oh godly and masterful 3k slayer


                                                              Keep destroying the lane
                                                              I'll stick to destroying ancient
                                                              LUL Kappa lost 50 mmr in 1 week LUL


                                                                @haffy or vampychan
                                                                I like my own decisions because
                                                                1. Nobody want to befriend him anymore because they know now hes a retard
                                                                2. My revenge is heavier, in my school if you react to physical contact your enemy will get less punishment with mean he wont need to pay fucking $500usd.
                                                                3. My parent will be better at reacting if my own teacher contact them
                                                                4. I cannot absolutely share anything to my family(negative part) like showing bruises


                                                                  And if i fucking punch him at my heart content i will make him pass out no joke because he is much weaker than i am. He would probably die no joke if i lost my control during my revenge so in my opinion my way is better


                                                                    Just call him johann this fucker kept changing his name and profile picture every hour


                                                                      Does that mean u are a 1k with 3k farming skill?


                                                                        3k farming skill xDD


                                                                          2k with 3k farming skill*


                                                                            Could we do a 1v1 tour l8er on this week? Just for the lulz i actually havent played more than 10 1v1s in my life


                                                                              YOU WANNA SEE ME LOSE TO A 1K SHITTER?


                                                                                Plus everyone's play time on seatards are so fucking spread up these days
                                                                                Fx can only play on weekend noon to evenings
                                                                                I can only play on weekday mornings (for now, will take a break soon)
                                                                                Yves also on weekday mornings
                                                                                Haffy can only play on the 31th of February at 14PM
                                                                                Clement is ???????
                                                                                Zero is busy with his 6k drem and tournament


                                                                                  4Head i guess imma go jerk off then 4Head


                                                                                    YVES 1V1 ME IM A MASOCHIST BTW HAHAA

                                                                                    mr. rabbit

                                                                                      ill 1v1 anyone tomorrow whos up if i catch u loitering in the main menu


                                                                                        Ya sure I'll probably practice on lobby rn and probably will borrow tb's acc to feed to relief myself

                                                                                        mr. rabbit

                                                                                          i really need to learn how to get cs in a 1v1 scenario as alch

                                                                                          but if ur not willing be my guinea pig we can also do regular 1v1's

                                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                            Haffy can only play on the 31th of February at 14PM



                                                                                              It's actually a great idea we gotta give exact time zones and see who can and will 1v1 in each time as practice. Im up for it

                                                                                              also this is XD



                                                                                                FREE PALESTINE

                                                                                                  Going to school tomorrow and I'll play after my clearance gets signed FeelsGoodMan

                                                                                                  Also bws, when I roam I usually ask myself "who is the most vulnerable enemy hero" and "who is the most important to shut down". At the start of the game, the answer to both these questions is usually going to be the middle lane. Rotating is going to be a matter of whether or not you can actually win that lane with your presence or not. Added emphasis on starting out by harassing in the midlane because if you start there, you have better chances of being in time for courier sniping, your mid gets to snowball, enemy mid doesn't snowball, enemy supports are forced to leave their lane, supports leaving lane = a vulnerable lane for you to gank. They rotate back to their safelane, and you can fuck with the enemy mid or offlane. Rinse and repeat.

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                                                                                                  FREE PALESTINE

                                                                                                    When playing riki or bh it's advisable to run down mid, or even tp asap, put a ward down putside of enemy vision then run into their jungle and scout for items (sentries, smokes, dusts, wards), and use that information. You'll see how many sentries they have, 30 seconds later they show up in the lane, check items again, you'll know if they placed a sentry or not, and depending how long you've been stalking them, you should be able to deduce where the sentry is.

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