General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion




        I wanted to learn np, played it a few times, realized I couldn't win with it because I'm not admiralbulldog, cried


          same, I tried dagon np, it was fun to ks, still lost,
          tried spit push np, still lost since team doesnt know how to end
          the only np i mastered was the feeding np



            why cant i learn a hero that just clicks on people


              i learned how to micro though so theres that


                just an overall really bad hero dont feel too bad. plus youre a garbage player that only can play cent in one lane




                    how2micro 101:

                    set all units to a button
                    set all other units to a button

                    congratulations u r now a micro god


                      i can win with any offlane hero

                      as long as theyre meta


                        as long as theyre meta



                          so much shit happens in lv 10 dota games

                          its actually really traumatizing



                            im the meepo

                            how come people dont realize that if we dont end at 30 mins we'll lose

                            its not like i didnt baby them and told them just that word by word do these people even read chat


                              qop blade mail was a thing way back before talents


                                i thought pre talents the build was treads euls/veil orchid


                                  yah, but some 5-6k players made blademail and won with it before talents were introduced

                                  really makes you think :thinking:
                                  like what ywn said, why do np and qop make blademail?
                                  come on now alice
                                  edit: nvm, bearcat boi got the idea rolflmao

                                  Este comentário foi editado

                                    idk it could be a case of a win more item for them since if theyre dumpstering people and u get blademail they got no choice but to die

                                    but why are you asking me im the one asking in my thread!


                                      then im right in the case of it being a win more item because that kind of thing wont do shit if ur not applying pressure

                                      u just die while reflecting little damage


                                        i was just curious because the ember spirit i played with earlier built bm and while i initially thought it was dumb i checked dotabuff first and saw that it was in fact one of the better items to build on him

                                        but eh not like i play those heroes L M A O


                                          when one thread spills over into another thread


                                            TFW I REVIEWED FOR A QUIZ THAT DIDNT EXIST

                                            SHOULDVE PLAYED


                                              my solution to this is to never study


                                                reviewing lul


                                                  ember with flame guard and blade mail running at supports
                                                  supports : i break and guard and take 600 dmg to face or i leave him as it is and get burned by flame guard

                                                  also caster embers go in deep


                                                    Supp will die anyway

                                                    i have 5 reports to use

                                                      Blademail is game losing on qop she's not ember

                                                      BUM!! I'M REALLY LIKE THAT

                                                        I lost to a fucking shadowblade dagon 5 earth spirit
                                                        Fucking kill me please


                                                          you deserve capital punishment for allowing that to happen.

                                                          Use chatwhell=mute

                                                            I think np is rly garbage rn. Needs lot of farm and 0 impact

                                                            Use chatwhell=mute

                                                              Btw why ppl still think +6 treant is rly good?. More treants will give lot gold, xp less tower dmg. Melee creeps mock each other imo

                                                              i have 5 reports to use

                                                                As a qop God who won games 1v9 I'd say Blademail is no longer good and the build is:
                                                                Null null arcane veil wand force staff maelstrom pike mjolnir satanic moonshard


                                                                  arcane lul kys


                                                                    yurius shud be a freaking legendary card, AE tier

                                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                                      fucknig shadow versefgsgsrdfh

                                                                      also a team from my country beat all their opponents and went up in ladder but valve kicked them out bc they didn't play in the "right" server lul. iran doesnt have a server eu is the best ping and our tournaments are always categorized in eu soooooo tnx valve

                                                                      i have 5 reports to use

                                                                        Yurius is the strongest non evolve 2 drop in the game because no one deals 3 with a 2 mana spell turn 2. But in the next expansion we get owlcat Lul


                                                                          ive been playing for an hour and i still havent won any rune games for my mission lmaoo

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                            Then stop playing missions and play with me.


                                                                              This invoker is so funny this starting item is 2 fairie fire
                                                                              1quelling blade 2 branch 1set of tango


                                                                                no one here can teach u np why would u want to learn that hero anyway are you a masochist
                                                                                also i dont think anyone here has played with you except bws and ur matches arent that many so none can tell you thay

                                                                                hell even bws havent played with me yet
                                                                                i cant add him and he cant add me
                                                                                hes busy and he plays when i study, and vice versa smh
                                                                                im looking for some games to buy for the next couple of days


                                                                                  100% np winrate haha


                                                                                    rofl i just asked bws through whatsapp to play and he goes like "fuck off little shit my pc is exiled i got grounded XDDDDDDDDDD"


                                                                                      you guys still active in whatsapp? dafuq


                                                                                        ^wtf we have been active since it was created, just not every day


                                                                                          Btw now two people thought i was a smurf feels good

                                                                                          BUM!! I'M REALLY LIKE THAT

                                                                                            Fuckin sf so bad loses lane to a mid es BabyRage
                                                                                            Ok, seriously now, I think i made a mistake in my itemizations, where did I go wrong

                                                                                            BUM!! I'M REALLY LIKE THAT

                                                                                              Also tfw cant install whatsapp because your phone isn't compatible with it (samsung tab 3) FeelsBadMan


                                                                                                My phone is rapidly running out of space so ik having troubles in that department as well.

                                                                                                BUM!! I'M REALLY LIKE THAT

                                                                                                  And if osfrog really wants to buff treants, make the treant damage and hp talent times 3 instead LUL